21 Funny Daylight Saving Time Memes To Share This Weekend
Something to look forward to and dread at the same time.

Waiting for the time to change for Daylight Saving Time is basically like waiting for the last day of school to let out before summer vacation. Ever since we turned the clocks back in the fall, many of us have likely been waiting for them to spring forward. It's hard to enjoy the cold, dark, and short days, a combination that makes us sleepy, and moody and perpetually ready for bed. So the struggle of looking forward to the clocks springing forward, is a struggle we all share. Which is exactly why you'll want to take a look at some funny Daylight Saving Time 2021 memes that help us to relate to each other during these confusing inter-seasonal times.
While the clocks moving an hour forward is amazing because it means we get an extra hour of sunlight and spring and summer are near, it's also miserable because our bodies don't adjust right away to losing an hour of sleep. That first Monday after the clocks go forward will be your sleepiest Monday ever. Mondays are hard to handle anyway, because after a weekend of sleeping in and staying up late, our sleep cycles are confused — and when the clocks go forward an hour, our bodies are doubly confused.
Here are a few amazing memes that best depict the relationship we have with Daylight Saving Time — how it's something to both look forward to and dread at the same time.
1. Who Needs A Clock When You Have A Cat?
Animals always know when it’s time to greet the day, even if they don’t realize we just lost an hour of sleep.
2. The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
If you’re one of the estimated 10 million Americans who suffer from seasonal affective disorder, then you’ve been waiting for this time since November and the excitement is too real.
3. The Relief Is Too Real
We’ve already experienced a couple sunny days as winter takes its sweet time to leave, but the relief you’ll feel once sunlight stays around longer is enough to bring tears to our eyes.
4. Some Truly Dread This Time Of Year
It’s all coming too fast! Wasn’t it just Christmas?
5. For Those Who Stand With Science
While plenty of people are excited about the time change, many scientists have been arguing against daylight saving time for years. Apparently the time change is detrimental to sleep habits.
6. Yoda Knows Best
Master Yoda knows that truer words have never been spoken.
7. When You Have A Spring In Your Step
Warmer weather will have you dancing for joy well throughout the day into the night.
8. Decisions, Decisions
It’s hard to argue with this one.
9. Goodbye Winter Blues
Get ready to kiss the winter blues good-bye. While seasonal affective disorder can still strike during the summer months, it’s less likely. Hello sunshine, my old friend.
10. Preparation Is Key
If you’re worried about the time change messing with your schedule, start prepping a week beforehand, little by little. Your body will thank you later.
11. More Time For The Fun Stuff
Longer days means more time for outdoor activities, including biking, hiking, and simply enjoying anything outside of four walls.
12. All Too Real
Admit it, you never really felt that extra hour of sleep so what’s the point?
13. What Americans Truly Want
If Uncle Joe really wants to help out his fellow Americans, getting rid of daylight saving time is definitely a start.
14. For The Vitamin D Deficient
Daylight Saving means the sun stays out a bit longer each day, which means... leveling up your dose of vitamin D and happiness.
15. DST Can Help With Your Math Skills
Some of us have tried and failed every year to get our internal clocks right for daylight saving. At least our math skills got some sharpening.
16. It’s Not Thrilling For Everyone
Daylight Saving can feel like a random disruption in our sleep cycles. Why are we setting the clocks forward again?
17. Where Did That Hour Go?
Some hardly feel the effects of daylight saving and quite frankly, that means we’ve all been robbed.
18. The End To Short Days
You’re not the only one counting down the clock to longer days.
19. But For Real
A serious question that needs answering! This would make DST much more bearable.
20. Pretty Much
The only thing you can rely on when the time changes is your coffee.
21. So Lucky
Only two states don’t bother with daylight saving time. If you’re tired of the time changes, it may be time to start thinking of moving to Arizona or Hawaii.
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