If Memorial Day is the unofficial start of summer, then the Fourth of July is the official start. By the time July 4 rolls around, summer is practically already in full swing: everyone is done with school or their classes (unless you're doing a summer program), seasonal work hours have begun (if you're lucky), the weather is officially hot and sunny (hopefully!), and beach days are now your preferred plan for the day. With all of this amazing stuff happening, it's really not surprising that we all love to celebrate the Fourth so much — it's a great time!
But celebrating the Fourth of July isn't just about lighting fireworks and going to a barbecue: for a lot of people, it's about spending a little time with family. Sure, many people spend the Fourth of July with friends, but lots of people choose family barbecues and parties for this summer holiday, as it's a great way to get together with the aunts, uncles, and cousins you haven't seen in a while. And if you do this too, you're probably planning on snapping some photos to remember the occasion... and then, obviously, putting them on social media so that everyone can see where you got your great genes.
If you are planning on sharing some family photos on Instagram this Fourth of July, make sure your caption is just as interesting as the picture. That's the best way to get a lot of likes and comments! If you're stuck on thinking up something clever and adorable, don't worry, because we've got your back. Below are a few Instagram caption ideas for Fourth of July family photos, because you know you're going to need a little help thinking something up if you've been drinking beer or rosé outside all day.
1“Brought to you courtesy of the red, white, and blue.” — Toby Keith
Your family, your celebration, yourself... all brought to you by America. Happy Fourth!
2They hate U.S. ’cause they ain’t U.S.
Is this extremely corny? Yes, but it's also kind of an adorable way to show off how much you love your family members.
3Food, family, Fourth of July, and fireworks. The four best F words ever.
Honestly, it's true. It doesn't get much better!
4I’m just here for the BBQ.
Are you at the family barbecue for some quality time with your siblings, or for the food? Who can tell?
5If it involves fireworks, beach days, barbecues, and family — count me in.
This is what some of the best Fourth of July celebrations are made of!
6“It’s Fourth of July weekend, or, as I call it, Exploding Christmas.” –Stephen Colbert
Because you spend Christmas with your family, and you're spending July 4 with your family. Get it now?
7Red, white and crew
If you're close with your family members, this is the perfect festive caption.
8If you didn’t grill, did your Fourth of July even happen?
OK, this doesn't have much to do with family, but it is about the family barbecue you were just at... and it's also a valid question!
9"I thank God for my life, and for the stars and stripes." — Zac Brown
....And for your family members. Don't forget to add that!
10Flip-flops, fireworks, family.
Some of the best parts of the summer.