21 Super Bowl Zoom Backgrounds No Matter Who You're Rooting For This Year
Team Snack Spread included.

Are you ready for some (socially distanced and heavily sanitized) football? Whether you’re having a Zoom Super Bowl party for the Super Bowl snacks, the Super Bowl Commercials, or the actual sports, there is one thing that unites us all: finding the perfect Zoom background for your Super Bowl party.
By now, you’re likely a Zoom party pro. As we come up on a year since U.S. lockdowns started, we’ve all become more than familiar with working from home, having happy hours from home, and hosting holiday parties from home. This year’s Super Bowl LV will follow suit for many football fans across the country who aren’t able to gather masked and safely outside. Fortunately, throwing a Zoom Super Bowl party is about as simple as sending out a Zoom link.
Once you’ve lined up your guest list, your various chips and dips, a wide array of cheeses, and how you’ll watch the big game, it’s time to find the Zoom background that speaks to your Super Bowl soul. Regardless of whether you're Team KC, Team Tom Brady, or Team Guacamole, one thing to keep in mind is you'll want to use an image that's roughly 1,920 pixels by 1,080 pixels for the best quality background. From there, the internet is your Zoom background oyster. If you need a place to kick off, here are 21 virtual Zoom backgrounds to use for your 2021 Super Bowl parties.
1. Any Photo From The Chiefs' Production Shoot
Can't imagine picking just one of this pics? Switch up your background throughout the game.
2. Tom Brady Shrugging
It works whether the Buccaneers do something good, bad, or just... very Tom Brady.
3. Quick Phone Call
Gotta take this — it's a championship ring calling.
4. All Confetti Everything
At Zoom parties, there are no penalties for excessive celebration.
5. If You're Just There So You Don't Get Fined
Don't care about either team? Take a note from Marshawn Lynch and make it clear that you're just there so you don't get fined (...or miss any Super Bowl memes).
6. Lady Gaga Jumping
The greatest display of athleticism at any Super Bowl game ever.
7. #1 Chiefs Fan Paul Rudd
Hey. Look at us. Who woulda thought?
8. Empty Stadium Seats
Just you and this one lone Steelers fan, chilling.
9. Show Some Buccaneers Love
The NFL has free virtual backgrounds that make for perfect Super Bowl party backdrops.
10. Rep Arrowhead Stadium
The free downloadable Chiefs wallpapers from the team's official site also double as great Zoom backgrounds.
11. This Picture Of Beyonce From the 2004 Super Bowl
A perfect photo doesn't exi—
12. Put Yourself In The Game
No plane ticket required.
13. A Big Ol' Plate Of Nachos
Become one with the snack table.
14. All The Snacks
15. Puppy Bowl!!!
The Puppy Bowl is the real MVP.
16. If You Want To Be That Person
Yes, OK, fine we mean American football.
17. Just A Pile Of Footballs
If there's one thing I know about football, it's that it definitely uses at least one of these guys in the game.
18. Superb Owl
Get it? Like... SuperbOwl?
19. Good Luck Today, Guys
Every little bit of encouragement helps.
20. Big Vine Energy
This isn't actually an anonymous quote. It's from this iconic vine, but it feels more special if the author is ~unknown~.
21. Clear Eyes, Full Hearts
I will be cheering on the one and only sports figure I recognize: Coach Taylor of the Dillon, Texas Panthers. Let's play some ball, boys.