These 3 Zodiac Signs Make The Worst Roommates
They’ll eat your food and forget to pay rent.

When sharing a space, there will be times when you butt heads with your roommate over little quirks or disagreements, but some people seem to go above and beyond when it comes to being loud, messy, and rude. Those are the people who truly deserve to be crowned the “worst roommate ever.”
Before you move in with someone, you might vet them with a quick interview to see if you get along. And if you’re already friends, you might dream about what it will be like to share a space. That said, none of it will save you from having a bad experience, especially if they’re one of the zodiac signs listed below.
According to Michelle Bell, founder of the astrology app Cosmic Fusion, the zodiac signs who make the worst roommates tend to have a fiery impulsivity about them. They’re the type to bang pots and pans around at 3 a.m. and they often have little quirks that make it tough to trust them.
While the best roommates are the ones who are kind and considerate, the worst roommates always seem to be causing some type of trouble. Keep reading below for the three zodiac signs who will have you wishing you could get out of your lease.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
If you live with an Aries, you might not see them very often but you’ll definitely hear them. This fire sign will come home at all hours of the night and proceed to slam the microwave, drop cups and plates, and close cabinets as if they’re the only person living there.
It’s common for an Aries to be a night owl and one who makes up for it by sleeping through the entire next day. When the rest of the house is awake they’ll still be in bed — and they might even have the audacity to text the group chat and ask you to all quiet down.
According to Bell, Aries is impulsive by nature, so it’s challenging to live with all of their hiccups and mishaps, especially if you’re looking for a laidback or orderly environment. However, if you’re hoping to cultivate a fun party house, they’re your best bet.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
A friendly Cancer might seem like a great choice when looking for roommates, but once they move in the chaos begins.
According to Bell, it’s easy for this water sign to take things personally so they’re often at the center of conflicts. They’ll call an emergency roommate meeting to discuss everything that’s getting on their nerves, whether it’s the heating bill or the fact that someone left a dirty sock on the bathroom floor. They have no chill whatsoever when it comes to other people’s actions.
At the same time, Cancers very much value their time at home, says Bell, so they often make themselves a little too comfortable and become a bit of a hypocrite. This sign will eat your last yogurt, stay in the shower for an hour, and forget to pay their bills then they’ll get super upset when you call them out on it.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
A Virgo is happy to run an apartment like a tight ship, but it’s easy for them to go overboard and become drunk with power. This earth sign can be overly meticulous, especially regarding cleanliness and order, says Bell, so they can cause friction with their roommates.
While it might seem nice to live with someone who wants to devise a chore chart, the magic will quickly wear off when they’re banging on your door to ask why you haven’t vacuumed. A Virgo tends to act like their roommates are annoying house guests, even when everyone pays the same rent.
Virgos are also notoriously judgmental, so you might not feel comfortable letting your guard down around them. If you dare to waltz through the kitchen in old sweatpants and a messy bun, you’ll be able to feel their eyes burning into the back of your head.
As a sign who prefers to live alone, they’ll take out their annoyance on everyone until they find their own place. Then and only then will you be able to be friends again.
Michelle Bell, founder of the astrology app Cosmic Fusion