These 2 Zodiac Signs Have A Hard Time Setting Boundaries
The lines can get blurry.

Boundaries play an important role in virtually every type of bond between people, and maintaining them is an integral part of conducting healthy relationships. Whether you’re dealing with a romantic partner, family member, colleague, or friend, being able to express and enforce the limits of your comfort zone will always be helpful in ensuring the relationship is functional. But directly stating your expectations and limitations is much easier said than done. Some people find discussing boundaries scary or intimidating, while others have a difficult time even feeling clear on what theirs are — and it’s possible that their zodiac sign could play a role in this struggle.
There are a lot of reasons why some people have a harder time setting boundaries than others, and this can stem from someone's past relationship experiences, family background, or simply their personality type. But from an astrological perspective, one celestial body can make this kind of thing especially challenging, and that’s nebulous and numinous Neptune. This hazy planet is the cosmic ruler of illusions and fantasies, so it tends to blur lines and distort reality. Unlike no-nonsense Saturn, which is a strict boundary enforcer, Neptune is more like a boundary dissolver. Under its influence, you’re more likely to see things through rose-colored glasses — so wherever Neptune lives in your chart could be an area where you have a hard time laying down the law for yourself.
Your birthday alone won’t dictate whether or not you’re able to stand up to your needs and state your expectations in a relationship, but there are a couple of signs who often struggle when setting boundaries.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
When a Libra is in their power and has practiced, these air signs can set boundaries with more grace and diplomacy than just about any other sign. However, until they’ve fully tapped into this talent, many Libras struggle to be direct about their needs if they fear it’ll stir up conflict. Libra is ruled by the love planet Venus and it’s the sign symbolized by the scales, so maintaining a sense of balance and harmony in relationships is highly important to them. Of course, for a relationship to truly be balanced, there needs to be clear and respected boundaries — but these cosmic peace-keepers have a tendency to try to appease those around them to keep things drama-free, which sometimes means setting their boundaries aside in favor of people-pleasing.
A Libra’s fear of upsetting others in the moment can also lead them to say yes when they really should say no — which does a lot more harm than setting a boundary in the first place. Once Libra learns how to stand up for themselves, even if it means disappointing someone else, they’ll be unstoppable.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
If there’s a single member of the zodiac that struggles with setting boundaries more than any other sign, it’s most definitely ethereal and open-hearted Pisces. These mutable water signs are ruled by the illusive and hazy planet Neptune. Their feelings tend to bleed into other people’s quite easily and have a hard time seeing where one thing ends and another begins. They enjoy the feeling of being fully consumed by something — whether it’s a relationship, a career, or a new hobby — so their inclination is always to merge their energy instead of setting a boundary for themselves.
As the sign symbolized by the fish, Pisces are used to swimming out in the open sea, where there are no lines of demarcation between territories and everyone shares the same ocean. So it’s not that Pisces are afraid to set boundaries. It’s usually that they struggle to identify what their boundaries are. They’re the true escapists of the zodiac, so instead of being direct with themselves or others about their needs, they’re more likely to retreat into their fantasy world and avoid dealing with the need to lay down some limitations.