The 3 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Reach Out To Old Friends
Long time no see.

It can be nerve-racking to reach out to old friends. What if they don’t want to hear from you? What if they leave you on read? While the stress of overthinking might prevent some people from reconnecting with long-lost pals, certain zodiac signs are always happy to send a text and say hi.
More often than not it’s because nostalgia gets the better of them. Once they start thinking about “the good old days” they won’t be able to stop reminiscing until they send a DM to ask what’s up. These zodiac signs will reach out to old college roommates and the friends they made at summer camp when they were 12, even if they haven’t spoken in decades.
This also applies to the extra-outgoing zodiac signs who seem to collect friends wherever they go. While most people forget about their colleagues from three jobs ago or the travelers they met in a hostel in 2015, these signs never delete phone numbers — and they’re always ready to reconnect.
For other zodiac signs, reaching out to an old friend can feel embarrassing. Leos are often too proud to be the first one to say hi, Scorpios are often too focused on moving on and leaving the past in the past, and Aquarians are barely interested in sending messages to their current best friends. But for the zodiac signs listed below, reaching out to old friends is one of their favorite things to do.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Cancers take the crown when it comes to nostalgia, and that’s a key driver when reaching out to old friends. This water sign, ruled by the emotional moon, can remember in vivid detail all the good memories from years gone by — and it often moves them enough to want to catch up.
They’ll reach out to their pen pal from second grade, their freshman year roommate, or the coworkers who were by their side during busy lunch rushes at their old cafe job. Once you’re friends with a Cancer, you’re often friends for life.
These loyal water signs are big on treating people like their family, too. If they’re having a birthday party, a wedding, or even a casual get-together, you can expect them to invite you and welcome you with open arms.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
As friendly air signs, Libras never hesitate to reach out to their pals, old and new. If something reminds them of you, they’ll immediately grab their phone, send a text, and ask how you are. Oftentimes, it’ll feel like your conversation picks right up where it left off, even if it’s been literal years since you last spoke.
Libras are ruled by Venus, the planet of love, so they value relationships of all kinds. If they happen to lose track of a friend, it’s probably only because they got busy or overwhelmed, and not because they didn’t care about the connection. It’s rare for a Libra to have bad blood with a bestie, which makes it even easier for them to reconnect.
To reach out, a Libra might send you a DM or FaceTime you from a bar at 1 a.m. Sometimes they’ll just want to say hi, but other times they’ll ask to meet up and catch up. If you meet for drinks, they’ll run up and hug you like no time has passed.
Libras will also reach out when they have a question, never once forgetting their friends’ interests. If they can’t remember the name of a song or the title of a book, they’ll know just the person to call for the answer.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Sagittarians are ruled by Jupiter, the planet of travel, growth, and expansion, and that means they view the entire world as a pool of potential pals. This sign collects friends throughout their travels, and they also create really strong bonds with coworkers, neighbors, and even their exes. Their main goal in life is to form a sprawling, ever-growing web of connections.
This fire sign is also impulsive when reconnecting, which might explain why they’ll text their ex on a random Friday. Sagittarius is a confident, outgoing zodiac sign who won’t pause for a minute to overthink or wonder if the other person would even want to hear from them.
Sagittarians also get bored easily, which is why they’re always running down their roster of potential pals to hang out with. If their closest friends are busy, that’s when they’ll send a text to a long-lost pal. No friendship is too distant or too random for a Sagittarius. Before you know it, you’re getting coffee with them, even though you haven’t spoken in a decade.