These 3 Zodiac Signs Aren’t Afraid To Tell It Like It Is
You’ll always know exactly what they’re thinking.

Some zodiac signs are notoriously sassy. If they have something on their mind, it won’t be long before they blurt it out. They’re the ones with a reputation for “telling it like it is,” which often includes speaking the truth and calling people out. It can be the tiniest bit offensive sometimes, but they don’t really care.
In fact, every friend group could benefit from having at least one person who rocks this bold personality trait. The zodiac signs who tell it like it is are there to keep everyone honest, and they aren’t afraid to call out issues or announce when they’re not happy. If you’re out with them on a Friday night, they’ll be the first to say they’re bored or that they want to leave, and it’s often exactly what everyone else — aka, the more demure zodiac signs — was secretly thinking.
These members of the zodiac also aren’t going to mince words at work. If they have a problem with a manager or if they see a project that needs to get done, they’re going to send an email with all of their complaints listed out in bullet points, as well as their ideas for setting things right. These zodiac signs aren’t trying to be rude, per se, but they are on a mission to bring a dose of honesty — and a few reality checks — with them wherever they go.
Keep reading below for the three zodiac signs who always tell it like it is.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
You'll never catch Aries holding back their thoughts, as they rarely pause long enough to float their words through a filter before saying them out loud. During conversations, they’re often talking at warp speed — and they love to drop a truth bomb.
As an impulsive fire sign — and one that’s ruled by Mars, the planet of action — it’s in their nature to speak first and think later. Aries are very direct in their communication style, and it’s something that tends to get them far in life. This is why they’re often the leaders of their friend group and the ones who always reach out first to make plans. This trait also makes them bold, assertive leaders in their careers.
While other signs might think twice before airing a grievance or asking a tough question, an Aries will blurt it out and say what needs to be said. They aren’t the type to lose sleep over a misunderstanding or miscommunication. Instead, they’ll nip a problem in the bud, confront tough situations at the moment, and make sure everything’s always out in the open.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
As the sign represented by the scales, Libras struggle to sit back in silence when something out of pocket is being said. They crave balance, fairness, and order, and they also have a strong sense of justice. If a friend isn’t speaking up for themselves, a Libra will swoop in and say it for them.
This air sign has the communication skills necessary for calling people out, but as a loving Venus-ruled sign they usually try to frame their words in a kind, constructive way. When they’re being blunt, bold, and honest, it’s because they want the best for everyone. This is why they’re often the mediators in a friend group.
Libras also love to crack a joke. If they see an opportunity to make people laugh, they’re going to take it every time. If their joke turns into more of a roast, so be it. As a highly observant sign, they’re not afraid to tell you that you have lipstick on your teeth or that your bangs are askew. For Libra, telling it like it is is practically a love language.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Sagittarians aren’t here on this planet to hold back or sit in the shadows. As a free-spirited fire sign, they like to jump into life with both feet, and that means they’re going to give it to you straight and say exactly what’s on their mind. They have a “do it for the plot” mentality — and they’re anything but shy.
As a sign ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, Sagittarians truly believe that tough things often need to be said out loud to progress forward. They know that keeping secrets or beating around the proverbial bush is the best way to stay stuck and stagnant, so they’ve made it a habit to share their thoughts and feelings as soon as they bubble up.
Sagittarians show up as their truest selves, whether they’re with friends, family, or coworkers. They value authenticity and honesty, and it’s something that draws people to them. The folks they surround themselves with know they might be a bit blunt at times, but everyone quickly grows to appreciate this quirky part of their personality.