The 3 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Stick To Their New Year's Resolutions
They've got the discipline.

The New Year’s promise of a fresh start is like a shimmering oasis in the desert. On Jan. 1 — as everyone flips the page on their clean, new calendars with nothing but blanks beckoning to be filled in — many will take the symbolic reset as an opportunity to reflect on the previous year and set a list of resolutions that they hope will shape their year ahead, like learning how to crochet or vowing to stop eating Hot Cheetos for breakfast.
Inevitably, some people will find it easier to keep their New Year’s resolutions than others — a gift that may be influenced a good deal by their star sign. For other folks, however, that glistening desert oasis is just a mirage.
Whatever hopes you have for yourself this year, it takes discipline to stick to them once the momentum of early January wears off. And while your star sign should never keep you from trying, some zodiac placements have an astrological advantage working in their favor. Don’t feel bad — Forbes found the average length most people keep their New Year’s resolutions is less than four months, anyway, regardless of where you fall in the zodiac.
Still, these are the three zodiac signs that are most likely to take their New Year’s resolutions so seriously that they give a whole new meaning to “new year, new me.”
Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)
Mutable earth sign Virgo has a plan for pretty much everything (and possibly a color-coded binder to keep it all organized). This may or may not include a precise outline of exactly how they plan to stick to their resolutions, complete with a day-by-day rundown of what they need to accomplish in order to stay on task.
They’re known to be a bit critical, so if you’re a non-Virgo and you’re having trouble keeping your resolutions, maybe don’t let them know — unless you think a little tough love is what you need to get back on track.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Pragmatic and calculated Capricorn has a lengthy list of ambitions — for the short- and long-term. Whether it’s a standard resolution like eating more veggies or spending more time outside, or a bigger undertaking like learning a new skill or developing a creative practice, Capricorn is likely going to map out a plan and stick to it.
Caps famously tend to be the most disciplined rule-followers of the zodiac, and their proud sense of responsibility means that they don’t give up on the promises they make so easily.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Unlike their earth sign friends above, fire sign Aries is a bit more impulsive and will often dive into new experiences without taking the time to diligently plan. But if they’re known for anything, it’s their competitive drive, which often makes them high achievers.
Keeping to New Year’s resolutions is no easy feat, but confident Aries is always up for a challenge — and failure is not an option. A good resolution for them this year? Go a little easier on yourself for a change.