
The Zodiac Signs With The Most Street Smarts, According To An Astrologer

Don’t even try to mess with them.

by Carolyn Steber
The three zodiac signs with the most street smarts, according to an astrologer.
Getty Images/Abraham Gonzalez Fernandez

When you think about someone who has a lot of street smarts, you might envision your bestie who struts around town with a ton of confidence and don’t-mess-with-me energy, or your mom who always seems to know how to navigate a new city, even when she’s never been there before.

To be street smart is to have a whole other level of intelligence that either comes naturally or is learned as you get out there, meet people, and see the world. This level of savvy can help you stay out of trouble as it makes you more aware of your surroundings, and it also keeps you logical and calm when dealing with unexpected situations.

To apply this to astrology, think of the zodiac signs that you’d want by your side when you’re out late on a Friday night or the person you’d call when you’re in a jam, as they likely have this exact type of know-how.

“Certain signs are known to exhibit particular traits more distinctly than others,” says Letao Wang, an astrologer and spiritual counselor from the Healing Kingdom. “Among these, when it comes to showcasing sharp intelligence, adaptability, and a swift wit, three zodiac signs truly distinguish themselves.”

Keep reading below to find out who they are.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

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Aries is not only fearless but super feisty, so they definitely radiate “don’t mess with me” energy. “Ruled by Mars, the Roman god of war, Aries are born warriors,” says Wang. “They’re always on the frontlines, unafraid to dive headfirst into any situation.”

They’re also a fire sign, which means they have confidence in spades. “Just like an unstoppable wildfire, an Aries uses their intense energy and burning passion to navigate the labyrinth of life,” he says. It means they always know how to get out of jams, and they also aren’t afraid to call people out.

An Aries will happily stick up for themselves and their friends whenever necessary. That’s why, no matter where you are, it always feels reassuring to have them by your side.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

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It’s almost impossible to trick a Gemini. “Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, and being an air sign, they possess the ability to see situations from multiple perspectives, just like the wind touching everything in its path,” Wang says.

They don’t fall for scams and they’ll never give away more information than necessary. “Gemini folks are always 10 steps ahead, outsmarting others with their unique and revolutionary ideas,” says Wang.

They’re also really good at navigating their way around the world, almost like they have a sixth sense of direction. “The next time you find yourself lost in a strange city, you might wish you had one of these signs by your side to lead the way,” he says.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

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As an intuitive water sign, Scorpio is naturally tuned in and aware of their surroundings. “Their keen perceptiveness is their built-in street smarts,” says Wang. “They’re always alert and ready for any curveball life throws at them.”

This sign walks around with confidence and generally feels self-assured — and it gets them pretty far in life. It also helps that they have a strong ability to read people. Scorpios can spot a weird vibe from a mile away — and once they do, they’ll immediately head in the other direction.

Ruled by both Mars, the planet of action, and Pluto, which represents power and transformation, their water element reflects their ability to adapt to their surroundings like a river flowing around obstacles,” says Wang.

It’s why Scorpio is also naturally cool under pressure. If they need to figure something out on the fly, they’ll always find a solution without getting flustered.


Letao Wang, astrologer, spiritual counselor from the Healing Kingdom