For all the dedicated morning people, hitting the hay at a reasonable time so they can enjoy more of the day is very important. But plenty of people prefer staying up late to waking up early, and for them, enjoying the energy of the night is much more valuable than kicking off their day alongside the sunrise. A lot of factors can contribute to whether you’re more of an early bird or a night owl, but can your zodiac sign affect what time you like to go to bed?
If you tend to burn the midnight oil and can’t imagine falling asleep during the PM hours, there are plenty of reasons why that might be. Health and lifestyle factors can affect or dictate your sleep schedule, or the desire to stay up late could simply be the result of your body’s natural circadian rhythm. Unfortunately, night owls are often unfairly stereotyped as being lazy or less productive than their early-rising counterparts, even though sleep patterns naturally vary between individuals, and there are some benefits to staying up late. So long as you’re getting enough sleep, it’s perfectly healthy to have a schedule that deviates from the norm.
Whether or not you stay up late isn’t going to be determined by your birthday alone, but if you want to look at someone’s sleep patterns through an astrological lens, there are a couple of areas of the birth chart that could shed some light on the topic. One is the sensitive and private fourth house, which is sometimes called the midnight point or nadir of an astrological chart and is associated with themes of the night-dwelling moon. Another important area is the sleepy and restorative twelfth house, which rules over dreams, solitude, and unconscious states like sleep. Examining what planets are in each of these houses and what signs they fall into can be a good starting point if you want to analyze what someone’s relationship to nighttime or sleeping may be.
No single sign will definitively be a night owl or an early bird, but a couple members of the zodiac may be a little more prone to staying up until the sun rises.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Fueled by passion, the party-hardy sign of Sagittarius is ruled by the element of fire and seemingly has a boundless amount of energy. That’s why these free spirits are so committed to celebrating life and having fun! This is even less surprising when you consider that they’re also governed by the giant planet Jupiter, which is known for its extravagant and go-big-or-go-home vibe.
Sagittarius people are some of the most happy-go-lucky and spontaneous members of the zodiac, and they’ll rarely say no to an adventure — so it’s not uncommon for them to wind up being out all night party-hopping or staying awake until the wee hours having a philosophical conversation with a friend. Sagittarians want to milk life for every ounce of excitement it has to offer and take advantage of every new experience they can, so they’ll almost always prioritize having a good time over getting to bed early.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Dreamy and sensitive Pisces are arguably the sign that loves to sleep more than any other, but that doesn’t mean these water babies want to be snoozing before midnight. Sleep is super important to Pisces, so they certainly never want to skimp on a full night of rest. But if they can help it, they may prefer to stay up late and sleep in rather than an early bird’s schedule. These imaginative souls really appreciate the solitude and peacefulness provided to them under the starry skies, and they may find that they feel more creative late at night, and can process their feelings more effectively during these quieter hours.
Additionally, Pisces is ruled by the ethereal and numinous planet Neptune, associated with dreams and other altered states of consciousness. This hazy and illusive planetary energy may make them extra prone to enjoying the late-night vibes, where things aren’t quite as they seem and they can get lost in their visions.