
The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Soft Launch Their Relationships

They’ll shamelessly post a picture of their partner’s shadow.

by Carolyn Steber
The three zodiac signs most likely to soft launch their relationships.
Carlos Barquero/Moment/Getty Images

While some zodiac signs like to hard launch every relationship they’re in with a big, flashy, tagged Instagram post, others prefer the soft launch technique. This is all about the art of subtlety. Soft launching a relationship might look like posting a photo of your partner’s hand, a cryptic caption about a date night, or a pic that reveals two drinks on a table instead of one. The idea is to make it clear you’re with someone, without admitting who you’re with.

Since your zodiac sign helps determine how you feel about public displays of affection and how you approach relationships, it makes sense that some signs would be more comfortable with a soft launch. According to Michelle Bell, founder of the astrology app Cosmic Fusion, this typically applies to the shy or private zodiac signs, and those who are image-conscious.

Certain zodiac signs prefer to keep their love life on the DL for as long as possible to get to know a new person without outside input. Others like to ensure they’re fully committed before making any big announcements. This means staying off of social media, but it also means being choosy about what they say to their friends. They might casually weave a new partner’s name into conversation but they’ll never fully admit that they’re dating someone — at least not until the timing is exactly right.

Below are the three zodiac signs most likely to soft launch a relationship, according to an astrologer.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

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Libras are all about aesthetics and balance, thanks to their ruling planet, Venus. “They love keeping things looking chef’s-kiss-perfect,” says Bell. Instead of hard-launching a relationship and risking chaos and comments on their timeline, they prefer to ease in at the perfect moment.

“Soft launching lets them test the waters to make sure their partner fits their ideal vibe before hitting that hard launch button,” she says, adding that a Libra might post a picture of two fancy cocktails at a chic bar with a coy caption like “perfect night.” If anyone comments to ask who they’re with, they simply won’t respond.

The soft launch is as much a test for their feelings towards the relationship as it is for their friends’ reactions. This air sign values outside opinions, so they’ll casually drop their partner’s name over brunch or bring them out for a quick “hello” at a party as a temperature check, all the while claiming they’re “just friends.”

A Libra will weigh the pros and cons for months before making an official announcement about their relationship. According to Bell, the gradual reveal lets them ensure everything is exactly perfect.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 22)


Scorpios are all about intensity and keeping things under wraps,” says Bell. It’s all thanks to their ruling planets, Pluto and Mars, which combine to make them extra secretive and passionate. This water sign loves nothing more than to sneak around in the shadows with a new love interest, and they also need to have a sense of control.

“They’ll drop a hint here and there but prefer to keep things private until they’re ready for a full reveal,” says Bell. That way, if they decide the relationship isn’t going to work, they won’t have to explain to 20 different people what went wrong.

A Scorpio might tell one or two close and trusted friends that they’re dating or falling in love, but they won’t say a word to anyone else. They will, however, drop subtle hints here and there on social media, especially if they’re feeling frisky on a Friday night.

Scorpios will post a picture that includes their partner’s shadow, almost like it was an accident, or they’ll write an ambiguous caption. The goal is to keep everyone guessing until they’re good and ready to open up.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

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As the Neptune-ruled dreamers of the zodiac, Pisces is always going to be wistful and poetic when it comes to their relationships. According to Bell, they enjoy the mystery and intrigue of keeping their love life a secret, so they’ll avoid posting obvious pictures on Instagram at all costs.

“Soft launching also gives them a chance to figure out their feelings and create a dreamy, romantic narrative before sharing it with the world,” she says. They don’t want their BFF to ruin those early days of limerence by asking too many questions. In fact, this water sign will forget all about their friends while in the throes of love.

Once Pisces feels like sharing, they’ll start reposting love poems on TikTok or sharing dreamy images on Instagram. They might also include their love in a photo dump, but without actually tagging them or admitting who they are. “They love the idea of romance being an unfolding story that people can piece together.”


Michelle Bell, founder of the astrology app Cosmic Fusion