These 2 Zodiac Signs Rush Into Engagements
They don’t play by any traditional rules.

If you’re someone who wants to get married someday, then the thought of getting engaged is probably very romantic. It symbolizes a couple’s intention to commit to one another for the long term, and for many, it marks the start of an exciting period of wedding and honeymoon planning — and the hopeful anticipation of the rest of your lives together. As sweet as an engagement may sound, putting a ring on it isn’t a decision that should be made lightly, and some zodiac signs may be a little more impulsive about rushing into an engagement than others.
How long you should wait before getting engaged to a partner depends on the individual couple involved and plenty of people choose to get engaged quickly without regrets. However, research shows that couples who are together for longer before getting married are usually more satisfied with their relationship and have longer marriages. A study from 2014 found that couples who dated for three or more years before getting engaged were 39% less likely to wind up divorcing — so if longevity is what you’re looking for, it may behoove you to give things some time before making your intentions official.
Of course, for some zodiac signs, waiting it out is easier said than done. For example, fire signs tend to act on their passions in relationships and can be more impulsive than other members of the zodiac — so this could lead to the spontaneous decision to propose on a whim. Meanwhile, water signs are deeply driven by their emotions, so they can easily get so swept up in the feeling of being in love that they fantasize about (and maybe even act on) making things official sooner than later.
Ultimately, your birthday alone won’t determine how long you wait to get engaged to a lover, but there are a couple of zodiac signs who may be more likely to rush into an engagement. If you’re one of them and you find yourself trying to scurry to the altar, you might want to check in with yourself before taking the plunge.
Aries (March 21 - April 19):
Aries is the very first sign of the zodiac, so being impulsive and barreling into things head-first is kind of their jam. Their fearless ability to dive into new endeavors can be positive, and it makes them great leaders! But when it comes to something as important as the lifetime commitment of marriage, being hasty isn’t usually very helpful.
Aries like to follow their instincts and let their passions lead the way, so it wouldn’t be too shocking for them to make an unprompted (and potentially premature) decision to pop the question or accept their partner’s proposal on a whim — or maybe skip the engagement altogether in favor of a courthouse elopement. Patience is a virtue Aries doesn’t have, but these action-oriented signs should still do their best to pace themselves when it comes to getting engaged. If you’re meant to be, there’s no reason to rush to the altar.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
On the other end of the cosmic spectrum are Pisces, the very last sign of the zodiac, and the most spiritual-minded. These sensitive dreamers are ruled by the illusive planet Neptune, known for putting a rose-colored haze over everyone’s vision. This makes the world look quite romantic, but also makes it difficult to see things clearly — and for Pisces, it’s all too easy to get swept up in the high of being in love. That’s why these signs may be more likely to get engaged sooner than most people.
If they feel it in their hearts, Pisces doesn’t care how long they’ve been dating someone or what’s deemed an “appropriate” amount of time to have spent together before popping the question. These emotion-driven water signs will almost always let their feelings lead the way, even if that means rushing into an engagement. These imaginative people love to live out their fantasies, so if getting married is something they’ve dreamed of, then they’ll see no reason to wait any longer than necessary.