
The 3 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Rush Into Making Big Decisions

To them, weddings, vacations, and career pivots are no big deal.

by Carolyn Steber
These three zodiac signs rush into making big decisions.
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Everyone knows someone who’s constantly rushing into big decisions. If they called you right now to say they eloped in Las Vegas with their most recent Hinge match, you wouldn’t be too surprised. It also wouldn’t faze you to hear they quit their job or sublet their apartment and took a red-eye to France where they now live. If you can’t think of which of your friends this would be, it might be you.

While some zodiac signs love to weigh pros and cons, others are all about taking risks and doing exactly what they want to do at any moment. They aren’t held back by fear or anxiety about making the wrong choice, and it allows them to be incredibly decisive — and sometimes more decisive than they really should be.

When it comes to making a big decision, like getting married, breaking up with a partner, moving far away, or starting a new career path, it makes sense to take a second and think about what you truly want. Will it be worth it? Will the change take you where you want to be in life? Will it make you happy? Will it mean leaving better options behind? Some zodiac signs — especially the fiery and airy varieties — completely skip this step and jump right to making a bold choice.

For many, it’s because they’re excited about having a new experience. Even if it wouldn’t make sense to switch jobs or move across the country, they’re simply too starry-eyed and caught up in the moment to pause and think. The zodiac signs who rush into making big decisions are impulsive, energetic, fun-loving, and always ready to try something new, but they also have a few other traits in common. Keep reading below to find out who they are.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

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Aries is the poster child for rushing big decisions. If they spy a way to shake up their life — maybe by hopping on a last-minute flight or quickly moving in with a new partner — they’re going to do it every time.

This fire sign is ruled by Mars, the planet of drive, ambition, action, and passion, which means they’re motivated by change, excitement, and a lust for life. They’re also the first zodiac sign of the astrological year, so they have a lot of take-charge, forward-moving energy, as represented by their astrological symbol, the ram.

Aries is well-known for being independent, impulsive, and a touch competitive. They’ll make a major decision for the plot, for a main character moment, or simply to post on Instagram. They’ll ignore their friends and family, who might encourage them to think twice. But once they set their eyes on a goal, nothing will slow them down.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

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Have you ever seen a marriage proposal where someone seems unsure about how they’re going to answer? That will never, ever be a Gemini. This air sign will scream “Yes!” the moment they see the ring, even if they’ve only known their partner for a couple of months. They’re also the type to propose to someone after a short period of time — or suggest eloping at City Hall.

While some Geminis get caught up in the heat of the moment and make knee-jerk decisions, many are pros when it comes to making big decisions under pressure. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, imagination, and adaptability, so while it might seem like they’re moving too fast on a big decision, the Gemini knows they’ve got it all under control.

That said, some Geminis will do something spontaneous simply because they’re bored on a Saturday night — even if the decision isn’t in their best interest. If it’s been a minute since they did something fun, they might make a major change just for the adrenaline rush. Cut to them quitting a job, renting an apartment in a new city, or randomly breaking up with a partner.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

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While other signs might take the time to write in their journal, schedule an appointment with their therapist, or call their mom to help them make a big decision, a Sagittarius will already be halfway across the globe on a new adventure. This free-spirited fire sign isn’t held down by the weight of practicality or afraid of disrupting the status quo. If they feel excited about something, that’s the only cue they need to move forward with a decision.

Waiting around in limbo makes them feel itchy and impatient, which is why they’d much rather act first and deal with any potential consequences later on. That said, this Jupiter-ruled sign is a little luckier than the rest of us, which is why they’ve grown accustomed to rushing big decisions. Things tend to work out in their favor, and it gives them the confidence to take risks.

Instead of doing the same thing every day, they remain open to making major changes at a moment’s notice. They might pursue a job that isn’t guaranteed to work out or a trip abroad with a tenuous itinerary, but the bold, brave Sagittarius doesn’t care. They know they only get one life, and they don’t plan on wasting it.