These 5 Zodiac Signs Love Playing Hard To Get
Expect to be left on read.

When it comes to dating, anyone who’s into astrology knows there are a few zodiac signs who like to play hard to get. These folks have a reputation for being fun and flirty yet elusive and unavailable, so it comes as no surprise when they act all invested and excited — and then leave you on read.
According to astrologer Stina Garbis, it’s the air and mutable signs who are, well, the most up in the air when it comes to relationships. “Mutable signs have a hard time coming to conclusions, while air signs are fickle and always changing their minds, making their actions hard to decipher,” Garbis tells Bustle. “It makes these signs very playful, and they’re huge flirts.” But it also means you never know what they truly want. Will you ever see them again? Who’s to know?
Playing hard to get means you like to come across as aloof and disinterested, even if you are actually looking for a relationship. It’s about being flirty and fun yet slightly unattainable as a way to keep your date on their toes. Zodiac signs who do this may seem invested at times, but you can never be too sure what they’re thinking or what they truly want. In short: They love the chase, so if you end up matched with one of these signs on a dating app, it helps to temper your expectations when it comes to how available they’ll actually be. The same is true when it comes to commitment.
If you’re dating someone who seems hot and cold, chances are they’re one of the zodiac signs listed below.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
As a mutable air sign, Geminis love nothing more than to chat and mingle, but it’s also common for them to get wrapped up in head games. Their talkative nature means it’s super easy for them to meet people and make connections, but it also means they’re spoiled for choice and they can seem unavailable or unpredictable as a result.
“This is the sign that will date multiple people and have a hard time deciding who they want to spend the most time with,” says Garbis. If you’re on the other end of the phone waiting for their text, it’ll definitely seem like they’re playing hard to get — when in reality, it’s just Gemini things.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Libra is an air sign ruled by Venus, so you know they love to flirt. In fact, they’re one of the flirtiest signs of the zodiac. They’ll text you and laugh at your jokes and flirtatiously touch your shoulder because they love attention, says Garbis — but the chance you’ll never hear from them again is high.
For a Libra, the talking stage is their fave stage of a relationship because it means they get to fun with no strings attached — and they’ll do what they can to keep it going. “This is the sign that will stay up all night chatting with you, but then you won’t hear from them for a couple of days,” she adds. “They love to keep you guessing so you keep coming back.”
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign, which means they give off very playful, flirty vibes without even trying. At the same time, they tend to be fickle and unserious, which makes them seem hot and cold. If you’re dating a Sagittarius, it’s best to go in expecting mixed messages. As Garbis says, “They will play around a long time before deciding to commit.”
Sometimes, this is a good thing, especially if you’re just looking for something fun and casual. It’s only when you want to have a serious chat that they’re nowhere to be found, probably because they’re too busy speeding away. They love the attention though, so if you’re feeling them, keep reaching out.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Aquarius folks have strong air sign energy, which means they’re prone to stringing people along. Even if their dating app profile says they’re looking for love, they’ll still send mixed messages about what they truly want, says Garbis. It’s super common to go on the world’s most amazing date with an Aquarius, and then not hear from them for a month.
Defining a relationship means they have to make a decision — an Aquarius’ worst nightmare — so they find ways to put off giving you a solid answer for as long as possible. “It takes a long time for Aquarius to come around for a commitment,” she says. In the meantime, they’re always down for a random date on a Wednesday night, so it’s best to just go with the flow and see what happens.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
As a water sign, Pisces always comes off as super sweet, but their kindness can be deceiving. “They love getting attention and they love flirting, but they want to make sure you really care for them before they commit,” Garbis says.
If it seems like they’re testing you, it’s because they totally are. A Pisces will give you some attention, then see how you react when they take it away. If you’re invested in taking things to the next level, let them know your true feelings and they might just let their guard down.
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