If you’ve ever tried tracking your spending habits, you’ve probably realized how easy it is for little purchases to add up significantly. Regularly buying lattes at the coffee shop, ordering delivery for dinner on nights when cooking feels like a chore, and taking advantage of online shopping deals can make it difficult to hit your savings goals, depending on your financial situation. But what would happen if you decided to go a whole month without buying anything outside the essentials? For some of the more spend-happy members of the zodiac, trying a no-spend challenge might be a helpful idea.
Many budget hacks and creative money-saving methods are floating around the internet, but the no-spend challenge has been especially popular on TikTok lately. In case you haven’t already seen it on your FYP, this challenge is all about cutting out any non-essential purchases for a while — usually a month — and deciding in advance what you will and won’t allow yourself to spend on. Some creators recommend being strict and limiting your purchases to only rent, bills, gas, food, and emergencies. Others are more liberal, making exceptions for a few technically non-essential but still important splurges, like select self-care activities and social events.
Does your astrological chart make you a good candidate for a no-spend month? Your birthday alone won’t dictate whether or not you can stick to a budget, but there are some generalizations you can make about how each zodiac sign approaches finances. For example, earth signs have a reputation for being good with money since they tend to be grounded and practical. Meanwhile, fire signs usually have a more impulsive streak, so they may be more likely to drop some cash on something unnecessary just because they feel like it.
Everyone can benefit from a no-spend challenge, as it’s a great way to practice mindfulness, save money, and become more aware of what you tend to splurge on most. Of course, some people are more prone to overspending, so a few zodiac signs should try a no-spend month if they’re ready to buff up their savings account.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Pragmatic and hardworking Tauruses are one of the earth signs, so you’d think they’d be less likely to splurge on unnecessary or luxury items. But these cosmic bulls have an Achilles’ heel when indulging in fancy things. Taurus is the only earth sign ruled by Venus — the planet of beauty and pleasure — so they’re total suckers for opulence and can sometimes be a little hedonistic. Because it’s hard for a Taurus to say no to treating themselves, they often wind up spending quite a bit more money than they should, which is why a no-spend challenge could be a worthwhile experiment for them.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Flashy and fashionable Leos are fire signs, so they like to act on their impulses and let their passions lead the way. And because these natural-born starlets love being the center of attention and soaking up the spotlight, it usually feels important to them to stay on top of the trends — which is why shopping for new clothes and accessories is one of their favorite pastimes. If Leo is trying to change their financial situation and start saving more money, committing to a no-spend month can really help. Plus, it gives them a chance to get creative with what they already have in their closets and cabinets, and the cosmic lions love a good challenge.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Free-spirited and spontaneous Sagittarians are true experience lovers, so while it may be easy for them to avoid shopping for material things, it’s much harder for them to say no to spending if it means missing out on a new adventure. Spotting a hot deal on plane tickets to an exotic locale or being invited to an exclusive but expensive party last minute? These are scenarios that a Sagittarius will almost always wind up splurging on. Unfortunately, while this certainly makes their lives very exciting, it’s not always so great for their bank accounts. If a Sagittarius is trying to save some money, giving the no-spend challenge a go for a month might be a good way for them to reset.