
The 3 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Rush Into Living With Their Partner

Nothing says “commitment” like splitting the rent.

by Carolyn Steber
These zodiac signs are always quick to move in with a partner.
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For most people, moving in with a partner is a big deal. It’s a major step in a relationship, but it also completely changes your dynamic. Instead of seeing each other a few nights per week you’re suddenly sharing a bathroom, paying bills together, and witnessing each other’s quirks and habits in vivid detail.

It can be overwhelming but also super exciting, which is why certain zodiac signs want to move in with a partner as soon as possible. Taking this leap of love is extra appealing to the romance-obsessed signs and those who like to make big, bold decisions in life and see where it takes them.

For the romantic zodiac signs, nothing could be sweeter than falling asleep next to a partner, going furniture shopping, or getting matching toothbrushes. Signing a lease together is a big commitment, and one they might dream about from the very first date.

For the more impulsive zodiac signs, moving in with a partner often happens accidentally. They could go home with someone after a first date and then never officially leave — and just like that they’re swapping keys. They aren’t afraid to “go there” with a new partner, even if it sometimes means they move in too fast and end up realizing it was a mistake.

While some zodiac signs, like Virgo or Taurus, might need a lot of time to think about moving in with a partner, and others, like Aquarius and Sagittarius, might be hesitant to give up their freedom, other zodiac signs will have already packed their bags. Here are the top three.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

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An Aries could be ready to move in with someone after a good first date. This fire sign is ruled by Mars, the planet of action, which means they appreciate forward momentum. They firmly believe that life is meant to be lived, so they aren’t going to wait for the “right time” to do something. If they’re feeling passionate about a person, they’ll want to take things to the next level ASAP.

Someone with Aries in their birth chart is impulsive, but also super confident. If they feel like a relationship is meant to be they’ll trust themselves to sign a lease — even if they’ve only known their new love for a couple of weeks. If they decide to move right back out again a few months later, so be it. They’d rather leap than live with a sense of regret.

This sign rarely waffles when it comes to making decisions, and a lot of that has to do with their intense impatience, too. If they like someone they’ll want to start building that connection as soon as possible which sometimes means flying past the tiny milestones of a relationship and jumping right into a major commitment.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

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When a Leo goes on a date they aren’t just looking for someone to buy them a cute drink or a nice dinner — they’re looking for a set of keys. As a sign ruled by the sun, Leos love to be taken care of and treated like the center of someone’s universe, and that means they want to skip the small talk and get to the good stuff in a relationship. Think of sleeping next to a partner every night, making breakfast together, and coming home to one another after work.

Instead of panicking or feeling like it’s too much too soon, a Leo will positively melt if their new partner suggests moving in together after a couple of months. They’ll appreciate that their lover is taking initiative and thinking about the future, and they’ll say “yes” immediately when the offer comes up. If a Leo loves anything, it’s a big, romantic display of affection and a partner who wants something serious.

That said, a Leo might also be the one to initiate such a bold move. As a confident, take-charge fire sign, they’ve been known to broach the subject themself, especially if their partner’s apartment is small. With an air of generosity — and a hint of pity — they’ll ask if they’d like to upgrade by moving in.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

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If a Scorpio is going to bother being in a relationship, they’ll want it to be as strong and committed as possible. From the very first date, this intuitive water sign will be looking for hints and clues as to whether or not a person has the potential to be The One.

Once a person has passed the scorpion’s secret compatibility test, the doors to their heart will open — quite literally — and they’ll start to think about moving in together. It’s often an easy transition for them to make, too. This sign will start sleeping at a new partner’s place the first week. By the second week, they’ll have declared their side of the bed and by the third, they’ll have their own dresser drawer.

As a Pluto-ruled sign, Scorpios are always ready to close one chapter and start a new one. They appreciate transformative fresh starts, as well as romance and passionate love. To them, nothing says “I’m yours” quite like splitting the rent.

Wanting to live together is the biggest sign of loyalty to a Scorpio, which is very important to them, but sharing a space also offers a chance to fully let their guard down — and that’s always their ultimate goal.