
These 3 Zodiac Signs Can Make Friends In Line For The Bathroom

They have a “the more the merrier” mindset.

by Carolyn Steber
These three zodiac signs make friends everywhere they go.
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It doesn’t matter if they’re standing in line for the bathroom, enjoying vacation, ordering a sandwich, or starting a new job — certain people can make friends anytime, anywhere. When they aren’t laughing with the bestie they met five minutes ago, they’re adding them on IG or swapping stories like they’ve known each other for years.

It’s a skill certain zodiac signs have in common thanks to the personality traits bestowed upon them from the stars. They’re not only outgoing and sociable, but also good at holding conversations, asking questions, and connecting with others meaningfully.

Some zodiac signs take a while longer to open up. They might not be as naturally chatty or eager to get to know someone new. Others like to keep to themselves, only investing their energy into a small social circle. But for these friendship-loving signs, half the point of leaving the house is to see who they’ll meet. Everywhere they go offers an opportunity to talk to someone new.

These are the folks who bond with people while traveling and stay in touch for years, as well as the ones who seem to know everyone within a 100-mile radius of their home. Even if they only chat with you for five minutes at a bar, you’ll leave the interaction feeling like you made a pal. Here are the three zodiac signs who make friends everywhere they go.

Gemini (May 20-June 19)

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Thanks to their ruling planet Mercury, which governs communication, Geminis have a natural gift for making friends. Instead of putting their headphones in and lying low on a flight, for example, they’ll lean in and talk to you. By the time the plane lands, they’ll be telling you to keep in touch and sending well wishes to your family.

Geminis are just friendly like that. As an air sign, they’re also bubbly and energetic, a trait that rubs off on others. Even if you think you aren’t in the mood to talk, a Gemini will find a fun topic and just like that you’ll be bonding over a niche subject.

This sign is also quick-witted, which means they can make people laugh — a surefire way to help strangers feel close and connected — and can make the most boring moments feel exciting. They’re a blast to have at parties because they’ll bounce from group to group, but they’re also the person you’ll bond with at work. Having a friendly Gemini as a coworker will make any nine-to-five fun.

Libra (Sept. 22-Oct. 21)

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Libras have the biggest hearts, and it’s what sucks you into their orbit. As a sign ruled by Venus, the planet of love, they’re always on the lookout for another friend to add to their collection. If they want to get to know you, they’ll put in the work by following you on social media and staying in touch.

Just like Gemini, they’re also air signs who don’t have an ounce of shyness in their body. A Libra will make friends at a bar, become besties with the people next to them at a cafe, and befriend all the people they see on an average day, from the cashier at the grocery store to the person delivering their mail. Sometimes all they have to do is ask for the time, and just like that, they’ve made a new friend.

It’s because Libras know how to keep a conversation going, and they’re also really fun to be around. People want to be their friend because they know how to have a good time. Whether on a cruise, at work, or waiting in line for a concert, they will always find a way to strike up a conversation and bring everyone together.

Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20)

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For Sagittarius, there’s no such thing as too many friends. They want their social circle to be as big as possible, just like their ruling planet Jupiter, which represents luck, expansiveness, and adventure. This “the more the merrier” mentality means they have a lot of close friends, as well as acquaintances around the globe.

As fire signs, many Sagittarians have a lot of energy, which fuels them to strike up conversations with random strangers. They’ll befriend the charming owner of a bed-and-breakfast while traveling, the person next to them in a waiting room, their neighbors — you name it. They’re always ready to bond and have deep conversations, even if they know they’ll never see you again.

Inquisitive, knowledge-seeking Sagittarians will go out of their way to meet new people and hear new perspectives, not only as a way to expand their horizons but also to build their community. Of course, they also love to have a good time. If they’re out on a Friday night, there’s a good chance they’ll scoop up a friend or two — and many will hang onto them for life.