These 3 Zodiac Signs Are Obsessed With The Moon
Their connection runs deep.

While anyone would agree that the moon is beautiful, some zodiac signs are particularly obsessed with her. They follow the moon’s monthly cycle, celebrate with full moon rituals, and look for her whenever they go outside. Some zodiac signs even think of the moon as a motherly figure or best friend, a comforting presence that shows up when she’s needed most.
In astrology, the moon is associated with emotions and intuition, so some people take it as a good sign when they spot this celestial body while making tough decisions. If the moon appears brightly overhead as they ponder a breakup or big move, it might help guide their thought process or allow them to feel more at ease with their choices.
Other zodiac signs feel particularly tuned in to the various stages of the lunar cycle. They wait to kick off new projects or manifest goals until the new moon and always pause to reflect and let go of the past versions of themselves during the full moon.
Lovers of la luna also know that each month brings a different type of moon, too — a snow moon in February, a worm moon in March, etc. — and they find deep meaning in it all. Below are the three zodiac signs who love the moon the most.
Cancer (June 20 - July 21)
Other members of the zodiac are ruled by planets, but Cancer is the only sign ruled by the moon, so this sign clearly has a deep connection with her. As an intuitive water sign, many Cancers feel their emotions ebbing and flowing with the lunar cycle. Just like the tide, they’re a different person every day, and it’s what contributes to their empathy and awareness.
The moon is associated with nurturing qualities, and that’s another defining Cancer characteristic. These members of the zodiac love the symbolism associated with fertility and motherhood, too, if only for the warm and fuzzy vibes. Seeing the moon inspires them to feel grateful and connected to themselves and everyone around them.
Many Cancers can also tell when a full moon is on the horizon long before they check the calendar. They feel the shift in the air — and their period might even sync up with it, as well. The moon and Cancer are like life-long BFFs. They go hand-in-hand.
Scorpio (Oct. 22 - Nov. 20)
Even though Scorpios are ruled by faraway Pluto, they’ve always felt a strong connection to the closest celestial body. As a water sign, they’re in touch with their intuition — and they might take it as a sign if the moon appears on the horizon at a specific, meaningful moment.
Transformative Scorpios love a ritual, too, so they’ll look for any excuse to gather their crystals and tarot cards and do a little manifesting by moonlight. Many Scorpios enjoy pulling The Moon tarot card because it’s associated with hidden truths, a Scorpio trademark. It’ll encourage them to keep unpacking and getting to know themselves.
Many Scorpios also appreciate the moon’s vibe simply because it has a loyal and comforting yet still slightly mysterious presence — just like them. If anyone’s going to slow down and notice its reflection on a lake or the way it lights up the night sky, it’s this watery sign.
Pisces (Feb. 18 - March 19)
Pisces is attracted to anything whimsical, and the joyful, bright, shiny moon definitely falls into this category. As a sign ruled by creative Neptune, they appreciate the deep lore associated with it. Think werewolves, full moon festivals, etc. They’ve always loved how the moon plays a role in fantasy novels — and its symbolism means a lot to them.
For Pisces, the moon reminds them to pause and reflect. They might be full of wonder and awe whenever they look up at it or use it as a checkpoint in life. The Moon card in the tarot is also associated with Pisces, making them feel even more connected.
Pisces will show their love for the moon by wearing moon-themed jewelry, charging their crystals on a windowsill at night, and checking in with the moon when they need help solving a problem. They’ll meditate with their eyes closed and see what visions come their way.