These 3 Zodiac Signs Are Quick To Cut Out Bad Friends
It takes guts.

While romantic breakups are never fun, friendship breakups are arguably a hundred times worse. With friends, it’s only natural to assume they’ll be in your life forever. That’s what the second F in BFF stands for, after all. And yet, there may come a time when it’s necessary to call things off.
Once a friendship goes south — whether it’s due to a betrayal of trust, a disagreement, or something else — a breakup may be in order. It’s never easy, but according to astrologer Babs Cheung, certain zodiac signs aren’t the type to hesitate when it comes to initiating a friendship breakup.
These members of the zodiac have a keen eye for noticing when a relationship has run its course. They’re also really good at laying down boundaries in their friendships, and communicating when they’ve been crossed.
“Not all astrological signs exhibit this trifecta of traits,” Cheung tells Bustle. “However, it is the unique combination of these qualities that distinguishes signs adept at recognizing toxic friendships and, subsequently, gracefully concluding them.”
They know that it’s so much better to let go of friendships that are no longer quite right so they can find some peace — and open the door to new friends who are a better fit.
Below, the three zodiac signs most likely to initiate a friendship breakup, according to an astrologer.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
As a fire sign, it doesn’t take much for an Aries to initiate a friendship breakup. While they value a close-knit group, they’re also quick to get upset, especially if they believe someone is out to get them. “Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and is ruled by Mars — an ‘act now, deal with consequences later’ kind of sign,” says Cheung.
With this warrior planet energy, Aries tends to take things personally, but they also wear their heart on their sleeve. “There’s no mystery to how an Aries is feeling, so if you get them mad, they will tell you,” she says. This is a good thing when it comes to settling disagreements or clearing the air, but it also means they struggle to let things go.
While an Aries will do whatever it takes to save a friendship, they can also tell when a situation is unsalvageable. According to Cheung, as soon as the vibes are off, they’ll quickly prune the proverbial friendship tree so they can get away from whoever is bringing them down.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
“A person with strong Scorpio placements will have a natural BS detector, which makes it difficult for them to trust people,” says Cheung. It takes a lot for this water sign to get comfortable and secure in a relationship, so if they feel betrayed, they’ll either send a breakup text — or straight-up ghost.
As a sign ruled by both Pluto and Mars, they aren’t afraid to take charge in tough situations, and they’re even less afraid to go through difficult transformations in life. Both of these traits make it easy for them to trust their gut and drop friends as needed, says Cheung.
A Scorpio would much rather have a small circle of true besties — or even be on their own — than be surrounded by surface-level friends who don’t have their best interests at heart. While they’ll initiate a friendship breakup with the wrong people, they’ll hang onto the right ones forever.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Since Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline and structure, they’re naturally good at understanding their own boundaries and limits within a friendship, says Cheung. If someone crosses a line or does them wrong, they won’t stick around to watch it happen again.
Capricorn has no issues initiating a friendship breakup when a situation no longer suits them, and they’ll likely do it with full conviction, says Cheung. With this earth sign, there are no second chances. Once they realize a friend isn’t right for them, they’ll start crafting a breakup text.
This sign is also super ambitious, which means they tend to outgrow friendships as they swiftly move through the milestones of life. “To a Capricorn, it is important they curate the people around them that can mutually inspire them,” says Cheung.
There’s the saying that friendships last either for “a reason, a season, or a lifetime” and for this sign, it’s very much a season. Once a Capricorn realizes they’re moving on or becoming too busy, they’ll let their friends know.
Babs Cheung, astrologer
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