These 3 Zodiac Signs Always Forget To Pay You Back
They’ve owed you $50 for years.

After any great dinner or trip to the bar, there comes a moment when the bill is delivered to the table and everyone scrambles to figure out how to divvy up the check. If you’re lucky, one friend will swoop in with their credit card, pay for everything, and say something like, “It’s fine, just Venmo me later.”
The more diligent zodiac signs, like Virgo and Capricorn, will grab their phones immediately and send the money, while others will finish their food and drinks and then Venmo the next day. Usually, the focus of a night out is on the company and the conversation, so it’s OK if the finances get sorted out later on.
That said, every friend group has that one person who always forgets to Venmo you back. These are the zodiac signs that need not one, not two, but three follow-up texts as a reminder. And it doesn’t seem to matter if they owe you $15 or $150 — they’ll still take forever to send it your way.
While some of these signs will send money a few days later, along with an apology, others can go weeks — or even months — before they finally transfer what they owe. It can create a lot of tension and awkwardness in a friend group, and yet they continue this habit every single time they go out.
Below, the three zodiac signs who always forget to Venmo you back, based on the traits associated with their ruling planet, element, and more.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
As a talkative and somewhat flighty air sign, Gemini is often too caught up in conversation to even notice when the bill has arrived at the table. By the time their friends have paid, they’re only just realizing and grabbing for their wallet.
Even though they’re notorious for not Venmo-ing back, they talk a big game and promise everyone that they really will send money this time. They’re ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, so they’re very persuasive with their promises.
Once that’s settled, Gemini will dive right back into their conversation. Sometimes they’ll take out their phone, and it might look like they’re opening Venmo, but they’re really just taking a photo of their drink.
At the end of the evening, they’ll call an Uber, ride home with music blaring in their ears, and then immediately fall asleep. When they wake up the next morning, this sign will have little to no memory of the Venmo discussion, which would explain why they need reminders, lest they truly forget.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
When a Scorpio is out with friends, they put all of the energy into being as present as possible. As an introverted water sign, they have an easily depleted social battery, so it takes a lot of effort and brain power for them to listen, laugh, and contribute to the conversation.
By the time the check arrives after brunch, they’re usually pretty fried, though they try to hide it. In an ideal situation, they’d pay for their own tofu scramble and mimosa, but before they know it one of their more assertive besties has thrown a card on the table — usually because they want credit card points.
Instead of pulling out their phone and paying on the spot, a Scorpio will often get sucked back into the conversation at hand, while also secretly hoping that no one will want to make post-brunch plans.
Once they finally get home, they need to watch Netflix and decompress. And before they know it, a whole week has passed and they still haven’t Venmoed back.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
There are two reasons why a Sagittarius always forgets to Venmo you back, and the first is that they’re way too focused on having fun. When this fire sign is out and about, their main goal is to dance and get into trouble — not check to ensure their Venmo payments are up-to-date.
As a sign ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance, they often have the mentality that all things money-related will even out in the end. They’ll buy a few rounds of drinks, and then their friends will grab a few, and so they often forget who paid for what.
The second issue is that many Sagittarians have a figurative hole in their pocket, so they might not have funds at the ready to pay right then and there. They might even secretly hope that their pals will do them a solid and also “forget” to send a request.