These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Never Like Your Partner
Cue the intense side-eye.

Introducing your partner to your friend group is no easy feat. It can feel like a tense situation as you watch them chat and interact for the first time, hoping they get along. Your BFFs will likely do their best to make your partner feel welcome, and some might truly hit it off and become close, but there will always be one friend in the corner with an intense, incredulous stink eye.
There are so many reasons why your friends might not like your partner, but certain zodiac signs don’t need any solid evidence to be distrustful — or even slightly resentful. For these signs, once they decide your partner is no good, they’ll stick with that POV for the rest of your relationship.
They’ll glaze over when you talk about your partner, they’ll point out their flaws, and some might even cringe if you announce your engagement. For some zodiac signs, this distaste stems from their strong loyalty to you. They want the best for their friends, so it’s always going to be an uphill battle for a partner to win them over and prove their worthiness.
Other signs won’t like your partner because they can see through to their core — and hey, they might be right when they say you aren’t a good match. They could also have a slight pessimism about relationships that prevents them from truly loving your significant other. When it comes to astrology, there’s no shortage of factors that affect how someone sees relationships.
They might be civil when you hang out together, and they might try to get along or find common ground, but the three zodiac signs below are never going to truly like your partner.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Every time your partner and Virgo bestie are in the same room, you’ll notice that the vibes are ever-so-slightly off. While chatty, Mercury-ruled Virgos can hold a conversation with anyone, they’re also prone to overthinking — and that means they’re likely to judge someone based on the slightest misunderstanding.
If your partner cracks a joke or makes a comment that doesn’t quite land, a Virgo will write them off entirely. As earth signs, Virgos are known for being practical, but they can take this trait to the extreme and slip into pessimism if they aren’t careful.
Even if you assure them that your relationship is happy and healthy, they’ll insist that you can do better, and they might even hint that you need to break up. If you happen to have one tiny tiff with your boo, they’ll react immediately by offering to come over and help you pack. While they mean well, Virgos are never going to like your partner 100%.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
As the black cats of the zodiac, Scorpios will struggle to welcome your new partner with open arms. This water sign will want to get a read on them first, so they’ll secretly study them while they chat. From the outside, it’ll look like they’re having a polite conversation, but what they’re really doing is running a character assessment.
Scorpios will ask your partner pointed questions, like how their last relationship ended or what they want to do in the future. Your partner might even feel like they’re being interrogated because, well, they kind of are. Scorpios, ruled by warrior Mars and transformational Pluto, aren’t afraid to ask the tough questions — and they’re also good at reading people.
If they detect even one ounce of bad energy coming from your partner, they’ll put up a wall and keep it there for the entirety of your relationship. Scorpios may be tough critics, but they also have your back no matter what. They’ll tell it like it is and let you know if your partner isn’t a good match.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Anytime you bring your partner to visit your Aquarius friend, you’ll notice that they barely make eye contact. This air sign, ruled by the 11th house of friendships, is very loyal to their people so they aren’t the most welcoming to newcomers or outsiders.
Your Aquarius bestie will probably think your partner is boring, and once they’ve formed that opinion, they won’t change it anytime soon. Even if your significant other is the sweetest person in the world, an Aquarius will have to fight back intense yawns every time they talk.
As a sign ruled by innovative Uranus, Aquarians tend to appreciate unique, quirky personalities, lofty ideas, and interesting conversations, so they can be a little judgmental of anyone who isn’t cutting-edge cool. They’re also realists who might assume your relationship won’t last, and, as a result, they won’t bother to get to know or appreciate your partner.
That said, you could be happily married for 10 years and an Aquarius still won’t understand what you see in them. So it goes.