These 2 Zodiac Signs Are Most Likely To Check Their Partner's Phone
They can’t help but snoop.

In many ways, phones are like the windows to the soul, so it’s not surprising if the thought of snooping around in a partner’s phone has crossed your mind at one point or another. It could be as innocent as letting your eyes linger on their screen for a few extra seconds to catch the details of whatever notification just popped up. Or it could be a little less innocent, like fully using their passcode and doing a deep dive through their recent DMs. Relationships can sometimes trigger some big insecurities — because even if you’re confident in yourself, getting vulnerable with someone is scary. But are there certain zodiac signs more likely to check their partner’s phone than others?
It’s normal to be a little curious about what’s going on behind your partner’s lock screen, but actually going through with a snoop sesh is a major violation of privacy. If there are trust issues in a relationship, looking at someone’s phone behind their back isn’t likely to make that any better. In fact, studies have shown that phone snooping often leads to the end of a relationship, and it indicates that some serious problems may have existed in the first place.
So, of course, if someone chooses to comb through a partner’s phone, they can’t simply blame their zodiac sign for the behavior. Astrology can tell you a lot about someone’s natural tendencies and emotional inner workings, but ultimately, people will always be shaped by their unique life experiences. Plus, free will exists, and everyone can handle their suspicions and insecurities in a way that doesn’t cross an obvious boundary. However, a few members of the zodiac may find themselves a little extra tempted by the idea of seeing what’s going on behind closed doors.
Here’s the scoop on the zodiac signs most likely to check their partner’s phone — or at least toy with the idea of it for a little longer than they should.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Cancers, a sensitive water sign, are usually motivated by their feelings and are highly sentimental. They have incredibly soft hearts and compassionate souls, so as a defense mechanism, they also tend to be very protective of themselves, sometimes to a fault. Symbolized by a cosmic crab — replete with sharp pincers and a tough exoskeleton — Cancers can easily find themselves lashing out if their emotions get the better of them. They’ll go to great lengths to defend themselves from pain. So if they suspect a partner may be doing something behind their back that would hurt them, the thought of snooping through their phone to find the truth could be tempting.
Feeling comfortable is a high priority to Cancers, so when they don’t feel that, they could find themselves so triggered that they lose sight of what’s important — like maintaining trust and respecting boundaries in their relationship, even in the face of insecurity. Additionally, Cancers are ruled by the moon, aka the planet of moods, feelings, and people’s private lives. Just as the moon generally shows its face under the veil of the night, Cancers sometimes feel safer exploring life in the shadows, too. That’s why checking a partner’s phone to either confirm their fears or assuage them feels like a way to have control.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Like Cancers, Scorpios are also water signs, although they tend to be even more poker-faced about their sensitive side than the cosmic crabs. They experience their emotions very deeply and powerfully — when a Scorpio feels something, they feel it with 100% intensity. That’s why getting vulnerable with people can be especially scary and uncomfortable for them. If a Scorpio hasn’t worked through their insecurities, they may be a little paranoid or suspicious of a partner. So if they somehow became convinced that someone has broken their trust, some Scorpios might justify a snooping session as a way of “getting even” — even if they don’t technically have any proof of a betrayal yet.
Co-ruled by power-hungry planet Pluto and impulsive planet Mars, Scorpios like to be in control at all times, so the thought of being played by a dishonest partner is excruciating. Their cosmic governor Pluto is named for the god of the underworld while Mars is named after the god of war, so naturally, these water signs love digging beneath the surface of things to find the truth — even if they wind up ruffling some feathers along the way.