
These 3 Zodiac Signs Can't Keep A Secret

Oops, they just spilled the beans.

by Carolyn Steber
These zodiac signs cannot keep a secret to save their life.
Galina Zhigalova/Moment/Getty Images

Sometimes it feels right to let a friend in on a secret. Whether it’s something small, like a cute little work crush, or something more major, like the fact you eloped with your partner, it’s nice to have someone else in the know, especially when you aren’t quite ready to make a big announcement.

That said, you have to be careful about what you reveal — and who you reveal it to. There are so many types of secrets, and just as many reasons why you might keep them on the DL. If you have a serious secret, you won’t want to say it in front of a certain set of zodiac signs.

While most people are more than happy to hear juicy deets or salacious secrets, not everyone can keep them under lock and key. Unlike Scorpio or Taurus, who fully understand the assignment when you tell them to zip it, other signs will instantly share your dirt with anyone who will listen.

These aren’t the ones you want planning a surprise party, as they’ll accidentally post about it on Instagram or tell the birthday girl without a second thought, and they also aren’t the right people to open up to about your past.

For the zodiac signs listed below, keeping a secret isn’t as easy. Some of them are just too chatty while others will straight up tell your secrets on purpose. Keep reading to find out who.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Geminis can't keep a secret.
Zorica Nastasic/E+/Getty Images

If you have a deep, dark secret that absolutely cannot see the light of day, don’t ever — ever — tell it to a Gemini. This air sign will swear up and down they’ll keep it a secret but then reach for their phone the moment you leave and immediately spill the beans.

As a sign ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, they love to talk and chat, especially when they have a juicy story on the brain. If you entrust them with a secret the excitement will bubble up inside them until it eventually breaks free, sort of like a pressure valve. That’s when they’ll blurt out everything from private stories to personal details.

They might also genuinely believe that telling their mom or one close friend doesn’t count as revealing your secret, even though it totally does. Give it a day and their entire family will know everything.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

Libras often share secrets on purpose as a way to keep the peace.
Dejan Marjanovic/E+/Getty Images

Libras are amazing friends. This Venus-ruled sign is as loving and loyal as they come, and that means they’ll stick by your side and support you no matter what. That said, they might also reveal your secrets 100% on purpose.

As a sign represented by the scales, Libras often feel like the peacekeepers in social situations. Since they want to make sure everyone is happy, they often take it upon themselves to share secrets as a way to air grievances, even when you asked them not to. They can hold onto other peoples’ secrets with a certain sense of guilt, too, and eventually decide to let it all out for the good of humanity.

They’re also true air signs in every sense of the word. They love to gossip just for the fun of it, but especially after they’ve had a cocktail or two. A Libra might share a few of your secrets while sipping on a cider — and not even fully remember the following day.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

Sagittarians loves to share secrets.
alvaro gonzalez/Moment/Getty Images

Fun-loving Sagittarians love to socialize, and that means they’re often out late into the night. If they feel like they’re running on empty in the conversation department, or if they detect a slight lull in the chat, they’ll fill the gaps with literally anything that comes to mind, including someone else’s secrets.

This fire sign enjoys being the life of the party, so they might call over their fellow fire signs — Leo and Aries — and organize a gossip ring. (Libras and Geminis can come, too.) They’ll reveal a secret just for the shock value or to get a laugh, but sometimes they view it as their civic duty, as well.

Sagittarians are known to be one of the most brutally honest members of the zodiac. They aren’t going to play coy if they have dirt on somebody, and they aren’t worried about protecting reputations or hurting feelings. If something needs to be said, they’re going to say it.