
These 3 Zodiac Signs Always Want To Be Right

They’ll get the last word.

by Carolyn Steber
These three zodiac signs always need to be right.

While many zodiac signs are happy to kick back and have casual conversations, others would rather turn everything into a debate. It doesn’t matter if they’re talking about the weather, the details of a movie, or something that happened in the past — they’ll find a way to argue about it and a way to be right.

The need to be right often stems from a mixture of confidence and knowledge, and even from a sense of competition and a tiny dose of ego. Those qualities may automatically bring certain zodiac signs to mind, like the fiery ones who refuse to admit when they’re wrong. You’ll never catch a fire sign saying, “Wow, you know what? You’re right.” It just isn’t in their nature.

For other zodiac signs, like some earth and air signs, the need to be right stems from their perfectionist personalities — so they’re not the type of people you want to go up against during an argument. They have an impressive amount of data in their head, which means you’re never going to pull a fast one on them.

It’s good to listen to these zodiac signs at times, like when you’re out driving and they swear the destination is ahead because sometimes they do know what they’re talking about. Their confidence makes them great leaders and you can often trust them as the fearless, organized moms of the friend group. Other times you just have to let them think they’re right even when it’s clear they’ve got it all wrong because they won’t agree with you anyway.

Below are the three zodiac signs that always need to be right, according to astrology.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

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As a fire sign ruled by the bright and powerful sun, Leo is naturally imbued with an unshakable sense of confidence. Their self-assuredness can be seen when they’re strutting down the street and when they enter a room, but it’s especially noticeable when they’re trying to get the last word in during a debate.

Even if they’re clearly wrong, they’ll stick to their guns and insist they’re right. Leo is a prideful sign represented by the lion, which means they’re astrologically unable to back down. It’s why so many people will agree to disagree with Leo. If they don’t reach a truce ASAP, they could be stuck in a circular argument for hours.

Leos live for the thrill of a heated conversation and revel in the glory of coming out on top, especially if they can pull out receipts to prove their point. Any sense of humility will instantly leave a Leo’s body if their opponent backs down, and they’ll never let them forget it.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

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Virgos are known for their practicality, attention to detail, and ongoing quest for perfection. While most people can witness a tiny mistake being made and let it go, a Virgo’s eye is trained to zero in on flaws and factual errors, and they can’t help but point them out.

These traits follow them to work where they’ve been known to debate coworkers during meetings, but this habit is amplified when they’re with friends and family. A Virgo will not back down during a tiff with their parents and they’re never going to let a friend win an argument.

As an earth sign ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, a Virgo is a deep well of useless knowledge, important dates, and fun facts. This is what makes them so good at trivia and it’s why they’re A+ students, but they also hold their own opinions and convictions in high regard. Virgos know when they’re right about something and aren’t afraid to say it.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

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While an Aquarius might seem detached in their day-to-day life, this air sign has been known to lock in when it’s time for a healthy debate. As a sign ruled by Uranus, the planet of innovation and ideas, Aquarians become extra talkative — and extra confident — when they’re sharing information. They’re also the first to cringe when someone is blatantly misinformed.

Aquarians are constantly learning and collecting data, so they’ll pipe up and offer the correct facts without hesitation. While they’re open-minded enough to hear another person’s POV, they’re incapable of nodding politely when someone is wrong.

Aquarius is also a fixed sign, which means they’ll defend their position no matter what. Like their fellow fixed sign Leo, Aquarians have all the time in the world when it comes to sitting around and arguing, especially since they know they’ll win. As a tech-savvy sign, they have 500 tabs open at any given time filled with studies and articles to back up their claims.