This Zodiac Sign Duo Stays Friends The Longest
They take the “best friend” label very seriously.

There’s a quote from a poem attributed to Brian A. “Drew” Chalker that states “People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime” — which is to say that some friendships aren’t meant to last forever, while others may have what it takes to be a lifelong bond. Either way, there’s almost always a lot of value in forming a bond with someone else, and for some zodiac signs, staying friends with people for the long haul comes naturally.
A sun sign alone can’t determine whether or not someone can maintain long-term friendships, nor can it guarantee that two people will even get along. Everyone’s birth chart contains a unique layout of planets, zodiac signs, and other complex cosmic connections that can give you a more nuanced look into the astrology of relationships. However, some simple astrological markers can hint at the potential longevity of a person’s friendships, and a good place to start is by looking at what’s known as the modality of each sign.
The three modalities in astrology are cardinal, fixed, and mutable, and these categorizations speak to the energy that each sign thrives under. Mutable signs crave change and variety, so they’re more likely than other signs to hop around from friend to friend and get close to many different people through the years. Cardinal signs are fantastic at making friends, so it’s easy for them to bond with people (albeit harder to follow through on the relationships when they get distracted by other things).
But the four fixed zodiac signs — Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius — are some of the most loyal and committed people around. Once they form a bond with someone, this steadfast cosmic crew is willing to stick it out and make it last.
There is another sign that’s known for its love of longevity, and that’s Capricorn. As one of the signs ruled by the strict and disciplined planet Saturn, Capricorns feel a deep sense of duty and responsibility to the people they love, and they’re interested in long-term investments of their energy versus quick hits that burn out fast, making lifelong friendships much more important to them than seasonal ones. That’s why this sign is likely to be part of the zodiac duo that stays friends the longest.
Taurus & Capricorn: Earth Signs With A Bond
If there were ever two signs that had what it takes to stay friends longer than any other pair, it would probably look a lot like the bond between a steady Taurus and a patient Capricorn. As a fixed sign, Tauruses are as dependable as can be, and they’re much more interested in quality over quantity when it comes to friendships.
Capricorns may be cardinal signs, but they’re similar to Taurus in this way. They deeply value the time, effort, and vulnerability it takes to get close to someone, and they’ll never be quick to throw that away. For both Taurus and Capricorn, it’s really upsetting if a friendship doesn’t last — and while short-term friendships can still be fulfilling and meaningful to many people, it’s not something that either of these signs would consciously choose to take on.
Another factor that bonds this pair together for the long haul is that they’re both ruled by the element of earth. Earth signs tend to be practical, sensible, and grounded, so they approach relationships humbly. They are usually honest and matter-of-fact with themselves and each other when it comes to red flags, interpersonal issues, or setting boundaries — all of which help the longevity of their friendships and give them some major staying power. That’s why when a Taurus teams up with a Capricorn, it’ll be hard to break that bond.