
These 3 Zodiac Signs Always Make Plans First

Their social calendars are filled.

by Carolyn Steber
These three zodiac signs always reach out first to make plans.
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Nothing’s better than having a friend who always reaches out first. This is your pal who can be counted on to initiate get-togethers and meet-ups, whether it’s a whole party, a vacation, or just a quick trip out for coffee. Without them, your social calendar would be completely blank.

It feels so good to look at your phone and see texts like, “Want to get dinner tonight” or “What are you doing on Saturday?” If you’re one of the more passive or laidback zodiac signs, it’s a huge relief to have a pal like this who comes up with fun ideas and makes sure they come to fruition.

According to Letao Wang, an astrologer and spiritual counselor, the zodiac signs who always reach out first tend to have a few personality traits in common. They’re outgoing and fun-loving, first and foremost. Instead of sitting at home on a Friday night, they want to be out on the town — and they want you to come with them.

They also tend to be super organized. While some zodiac signs will grab your hand and drag you through an unplanned, whirlwind of an evening, others will be more detail-oriented when sharing ideas, buying tickets, and going out. These zodiac signs have leadership qualities, says Wang, and that’s on full display when they’re texting you to make plans.

Below are the three zodiac signs who never hesitate to make plans first, according to an astrologer.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

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If anyone’s going to hit you up at 8 p.m. to grab a last-minute dinner, it’s Gemini. Whenever this bubbly air sign feels bored — and they’re pretty much always bored — they like to run down their list of contacts and fire off invites. This is why Geminis truly make the social world go round.

As a sign ruled by Mercury, the planet of details and communication, Geminis also enjoy spitballing get-together ideas in the group chat. They’ll start throwing out dates and events to get an idea of who might be available and when, and then they’ll start nailing down plans.

You can expect to see texts from a Gemini early on a Saturday morning, too. If you aren’t sure what you’re going to do with your weekend, just give it a few seconds. Chances are a Gemini has already started writing a text to invite you to the farmer’s market.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

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Let’s be real: If it wasn’t for your Virgo bestie, you’d probably never leave your apartment. “Virgos are renowned for their organizational skills and attention to detail,” says Wang. As another Mercury-ruled sign, they have a natural knack for planning and getting events on the books.

“This earth sign also thrives on structure and routine, which makes them excellent at initiating plans and keeping everyone in the loop,” he says. Not only will they reach out first, but they’ll also send you multiple follow-up texts as the big day draws near. Going to a movie or a fancy dinner? Expect parking instructions, addresses, outfit ideas, etc. “They have a genuine concern for the well-being of their friends,” says Wang, so they’ll want to make sure you feel comfortable and included.

Virgos are full of fun ideas, too. They get a dozen different newsletters in their inbox and follow every local Instagram page. That’s how they always seem to know what’s going on in your area, like upcoming concerts and block parties. And no good Virgo will let a season slip by without fully diving into all of its festivities. If it’s fall, it won’t be long before they reach out to ask if you want to go apple picking. If it’s winter, you will be going ice skating.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

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Capricorns are the true go-getters of the zodiac. “They won’t wait for others to initiate plans,” says Wang, but will instead take it upon themselves to reach out first. If they want to hit up a bar, see a movie, or peruse a thrift store, they’ll send a text and see if you’re free.

Like other earth signs, Capricorns are detail-oriented and very organized, which is why they often find themselves in leadership roles, even in social settings, says Wang. By day, they’re running meetings. By night, they’re running your social calendar.

Whether planning a whole vacation or just a quick trip to a coffee shop, Capricorns are always happy to be behind the wheel. This sign is also one of the most reliable of the zodiac, so you can count on them to stay in touch. While other zodiac signs tend to fall off the face of the earth or let their phone go dead, Capricorns are always reachable and committed to the hang.


Letao Wang, astrologer, spiritual counselor