Everyone talks about the joys and benefits of journaling. Notebook pages are supposed to be the perfect place to vent frustrations, jot down what you’re grateful for, pour out thoughts and ideas — and ultimately get to know yourself better.
When you’re in the mood to write, you might find yourself grabbing a pen and paper and letting it all fly, but other times it isn’t as easy to figure out what to say. The blank pages of a notebook can seem overwhelming, especially if you’re worried about ruining a crispy, clean journal with mundane stories or half-baked ideas. (Looking at you, Virgos.)
Thankfully, plenty of journal prompts help get the ideas flowing, and even ones that feel perfectly catered to each zodiac sign. After all, what a Capricorn wants to journal about probably won’t be the same as what a Pisces would like to scribble, since both have entirely different perspectives, thoughts, goals, and concerns.
To kick off the start of fall — aka Virgo season, the perfect time to level up and get your life together — here are the perfect journal prompts that’ll feel spot-on for each zodiac sign in the month ahead.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
“How can I feel more grounded?”
Aries is a fierce fire sign, and an impulsive one, too. You’re going to be feelin’ yourself this September, but that doesn’t mean you need to say yes to every opportunity and invite that comes your way.
This month, make it your new goal to slow down. Try journaling about how you could feel more grounded — deep breathing? more yoga? — and how being present could improve your life.
Would it help you live in the moment? Feel more grateful? A little less stressed? Make a list and reflect.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
“What should I do more often?”
Once a Taurus finds a routine they love, they rarely want to make a change. As a Venus-ruled earth sign, you like things the way you like them and are happy to repeat the same schedule daily. While there’s nothing wrong with comfort zones and cozy habits, it also wouldn’t hurt to shake things up.
To get a fresh start this fall, write about what you’d like to do more often, whether it’s seeing friends, going to the movies, or even just rearranging your space. Don’t forget to include how these changes might make you feel.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
“What are my goals for the rest of 2024?”
September marks the start of the slide into the holiday season, so take some time to think about what you’d like to accomplish before then. Geminis are good at living in the here and now, but you don’t always pause long enough to plan ahead.
Use your journal pages to map out a few things you’d like to do and see this month. With Mercury, your ruling planet, transiting through your second house and fourth house in September, you could feel more financially stable, and thus able to plan a few trips.
Map it all out and, if you’re feeling artsy, draw little pictures or decorate the pages with stickers to bring your vision to life. As an air sign, fun details are right up your alley.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
“List five lessons you’d tell your 20-year-old self.”
Choose an age that’s five to 15 years younger than you are right now and think about the lessons you wish you could tell yourself back then. Cancers are extremely nostalgic water signs, so it’ll feel good to reflect and think back on the baby version of you.
If you could talk to them right now, what would you tell them? What do you wish they knew? This exercise will get you thinking about how much you’ve matured in the past few years and will make you feel wise about all the lessons you’ve learned along the way.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
“What’s your biggest frustration right now?”
Leo, you deserve a true vent sesh. If you’ve been holding it all in, whether it’s to keep up appearances or to stay strong for others, consider cracking open your journal for stream-of-conscious writing.
Let it all out — and don’t worry about your handwriting, if you’re making sense, or what people will think if they read your diary in 70 years. That’ll allow you to let go and say what you need.
If you need to write faster so your fingers can keep up with your thoughts, feel free to journal in your Notes app or laptop. Use this time to let off some steam.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
“What’s the one thing you hope to accomplish this fall?”
Nobody needs to remind a Virgo to plan for a new season, especially one that includes your birthday. As a Mercury-ruled earth sign, you’re all about lists, plans, flow charts, and calendars. And with September’s new moon in your sign, you’ll feel inspired to focus on your goals.
To separate your journaling from your everyday planning, try to make an event out of the experience. Light a candle, grab your best notebook and pen, and wax poetic about the weeks ahead.
Forget about what you hope to accomplish at work, and instead write down the fun little things that’ll help you step away, take a break, and embrace the beginning of fall. It’ll feel good to have some fun events on the horizon.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
“How can I take good care of myself?”
Libras will give every last ounce of their energy to their friends and family. As an air sign ruled by loving Venus, you’ve been known to overpack your schedule with hangouts and get-togethers, even when your battery is running low. You’re also the type to answer texts when you don’t have the bandwidth simply because you’re trying to be a good pal.
This September, consider how you can take some of that energy back and keep it for yourself. Jot down thoughts about how your social life is currently making you feel, and how you might be able to start putting yourself first.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
“What makes me excited to get up in the morning?”
It’s super common for Scorpios to get stuck in their head. As water signs ruled by reflective Pluto, you often find yourself lying in bed and staring up at your ceiling full of heavy thoughts. To get back into your body and on with your day, spend your morning journaling about what you’re excited about in the hours, days, and weeks ahead.
Keep it simple, if you like. It could be the idea of getting a coffee on your way to work or that it’s officially a breezy 75 degrees instead of scorching hot. When in doubt, you could also write a gratitude list of all the things that have been going your way.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
“What am I afraid of?”
As fire signs ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, it isn’t every day a Sagittarius will spend time thinking about what they’re afraid of. It doesn’t even occur to you that something could go wrong in life, and that’s a beautiful thing, but there’s also something nice about getting vulnerable with yourself for a change.
As you journal, permit yourself to ponder any concerns or straight-up fears that might be lurking in the back of your brain. Consider why you push them down or never admit that they’re real. It might make for an intense journaling sesh, but it’ll feel cathartic.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
“What would make my life easier?”
It’s in a Capricorn’s nature to take on more responsibilities, whether it’s tasks at work or the heavy load of planning a group trip for friends. If you’re in the mood to take stock of where you are in life right now, follow this journal prompt and consider what you can shave away.
There’s likely one or two (or ten) things you can stop doing without the world coming to an end. As you write, let out all your frustrations and worries that come up when you think about relinquishing some control. It’ll feel good to let it all out.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
“What would your younger self love about your life today?”
Uranus-ruled, forward-thinking Aquarius is used to dreaming big and looking ahead, so it isn’t every day you reflect on the past. Once you live through something big, you like to mentally pack it up and store it in a box in the back of your brain, never to be thought of again.
For a little treat, switch things up and think about your younger self. What would they think is cool about where you are today? Would they love your job? Your apartment? Your friend group? This journal prompt is an easy way to appreciate how far you’ve come.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
“I’m most proud of myself for...”
Empathetic Pisces are good at cheering on their friends, but not always the best when it comes to recognizing their accomplishments. As a water sign, you tend to overthink your every move to a painful degree. You’re also the type to come home from work or social gatherings and cringe at everything you said.
Instead of going down that rabbit hole, journal about the things you did right, whether that’s listing all of your chores and errands you accomplished or scribbling a few paragraphs about all the goals you’ve met over the last 10 years.
With the full moon entering your sign on Sept. 17, as well as a lunar eclipse, the energy will be right for you to reflect.