
Couples With These 3 Zodiac Sign Pairings Tend To Have The Worst Fights

Their differences are especially frustrating.

by Nina Kahn
Couple arguing
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Occasional fights in your relationship can be normal and even healthy, as everyone is bound to get upset about things sometimes, and there’s no shame in getting into a dispute. Plus, openly expressing and working through your frustrations with a partner is important! Of course, certain couples battle one another a lot more often, and sometimes that tension can come down to some core personality differences. From an astrological perspective, there are some zodiac couples that tend to fight a lot more than others due to their cosmic compatibility (or lack thereof).

When it comes to astrological compatibility in relationships, it’s impossible to make a definitive assessment about which couples will and won’t work out based on sun signs alone — and that’s because everyone has a whole complex birth chart full of important compatibility markers that go way beyond just one set of signs. However, there are some simple ways to see which members of the zodiac may be more likely to clash, and one is to look at the astrological aspects that two signs make to each other in a chart.

If you look at a zodiac wheel, the 12 signs are always laid out in the same order, and you can get an idea of how easily they’ll vibe with each other based on the angles between them. These are known as aspects and some are considered more challenging than others. For example, square aspects are notoriously hard to navigate, and these always occur between signs that are three signs apart. Another tough aspect is known as the quincunx or inconjunct aspect, and these occur when signs are five signs apart.

When two signs are inconjunct, they have very little in common — even less so than signs that are squaring one another because they don’t share an element, a polarity, or a modality. Because of this, it’s hard for these pairs to see eye to eye which can lead to a lot of frustration and fighting in an intimate relationship.

No two signs are doomed to a relationship full of drama, but for a few zodiac couples with inconjunct sun signs, getting into fights is a lot more likely.

Aries & Scorpio

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Fiery Aries and edgy Scorpios may not always see eye to eye, but they share something major in common: their ruling planet Mars. This red-hot celestial body is the cosmic ruler of passion, aggression, and defensiveness, so its warrior-like influence on both Aries and Scorpio allows them to match each other’s freak — but it also results in some explosive fights.

Aries tend to be hotheaded and are quick to lose their tempers, while Scorpios usually brood and let their rage build up under the surface until it bubbles over all at once. While both signs are equally ready to defend their turf, they go about it very differently — and their styles of dealing with anger can be especially triggering to one another. That said, while Aries and Scorpio may fight, their ultra-passionate makeup sex can sometimes make the drama feel worthwhile.

Taurus & Sagittarius

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Tauruses are ultra-grounded earth signs who like to move at their own pace and pride themselves on being dependable. Fiery and free-spirited Sagittarians, however, are constantly on the go, moving on from one thing to the next at the drop of a hat. While these two signs can certainly find common ground, their differences can be especially frustrating to one another, which can lead to some major disagreements.

Sagittarius’ zealous need for freedom and constant stimulation can make Taurus feel insecure and exhausted, as these fixed earth signs want to enjoy a slower pace of life where they can indulge in life’s sensual pleasures. Meanwhile, wanderlusty Sagittarius may feel stifled by Taurus’ homebody tendencies, as these wild-hearted people usually like to party and be totally spontaneous. Unfortunately, neither sign wants to compromise much — Taurus is quite stubborn, and Sagittarius can get self-righteous — so this can definitely lead to some heated arguments when trying to navigate the intimacy of a relationship.

Cancer & Aquarius

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When a Cancer and Aquarius decide to couple up, there are going to be a lot of hurdles to work through — as these water and air signs couldn’t be more different. And while it’s certainly not impossible to navigate, they might find themselves fighting quite a bit, given these two signs have some pretty challenging incompatibilities in their relationship needs.

Cancer is one of the most nurturing and sensitive signs of the zodiac, and maintaining emotional closeness with their loved ones is super important to them. But airy Aquarius tends to be much more detached, usually looking at life from a more objective and unemotional perspective that can sometimes make them seem aloof or distant. Some Aquarius people may feel a little smothered by a Cancer’s feelings, causing them to pull away or respond poorly. Meanwhile, Cancers can feel really hurt and frustrated by what they perceive as a lack of openness or sensitivity in Aquarians, and this can cause them to get moody and passive-aggressive — which in turn will push the water bearer’s buttons.