Today’s card is the Four of Cups. It represents apathy, boredom, and a general sense of dissatisfaction, as well as the desire to sit back and contemplate. Just like the person depicted in the artwork, you might feel slightly annoyed if someone reaches out or tries to talk to you within the next 24 hours, so make plans to lie low.
After a fun, energetic day yesterday, you’re likely in the throes of an introvert hangover. Did you go out? See friends? Put a lot of effort into a date? If so, this card might be telling you it’s time to swing the pendulum the other way and enjoy a little me time. Have yourself a low-key Wednesday evening — and don’t let anyone guilt-trip you for it.
The Four of Cups could also hint at a general lack of motivation. Maybe you slept in this morning or are feeling sluggish as you go about your usual routine. Some days are sparkly and fun; others are a little bit dull and boring. Today leans more towards the latter.
While some might be in the mood to spice things up, it’s also OK to coast through your Wednesday and accept that it is what it is. If you can get away with being a homebody, do it.
In a tarot reading, the cups suit represents your emotions. Even if you receive good news or something great is handed to you on a silver platter today (a nod to the floating cup on the card), don’t be surprised if you feel completely unimpressed. To ride out the apathy, take a nap.
If this feeling has been ongoing, the Four of Cups could be a sign that you officially need to do something, anything, to get out of a rut. This card asks you to try to see what’s right in front of you. There might be a cool opportunity or a passion just waiting to be picked up. It also might mean you’ll need to set out on a side quest to find something that revs you up again.
As you lie low and relax today, think about what might make you feel alive and refreshed in the coming days or weeks, even if it’s something simple like a solo date or a mini project that’ll help get your creative juices flowing again.
If your brain truly feels stuck, create a “dopama-menu” (inspired by TikTok) to kickstart a happy streak. Today might be a snoozefest, but it won’t be long before you feel inspired again.
For more, check out your horoscope.