Your Daily Pull
Your Tarot Reading For Wednesday, December 25
Enjoy the fruits of your hard work.

Today’s tarot card is the Eight of Pentacles. If you celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah then it’s a fitting one to see after you spent the past couple of months planning your holiday and getting everything ready. It shows someone hammering away as they make pentacles or coins (gelt lookalikes), and that’s why it represents skill, craftsmanship, and commitment.
Just like the person on the card you’ve been doing it all — and now you finally get to kick back and enjoy the results of all your hard work. The gifts are wrapped (and maybe even already ripped open) and your fridge might be stocked with all the extra groceries you picked up for dinner and dessert.
If you aren’t hosting then it’s possible you traveled through a busy airport or packed up for the week to visit your family. It goes without saying, but the most wonderful time of the year requires a lot of prep, planning, and production value — so go ahead and take that Christmas nap.
For some of you, today might be about kicking off your own traditions. Maybe you’re excited to organize a fun holiday for your 1-year-old or your pet. Maybe you’re putting up a tree for the first time or planning a small celebration with a partner or friends. The Eight of Pentacles suggests you have what it takes to chisel your own gold coins, so to speak, so trust that you’ll make the day extra nice.
As it goes with major holidays, the Eight of Pentacles also suggests there could be moments when you have to work hard. It might be in obvious ways, like when it’s time to drag everyone into the kitchen to help you bake a pie, or in less obvious ways, like when you have to try really hard to keep a dry conversation going with a distant cousin.
You might have to wipe the proverbial sweat from your brow once or twice, but don’t let that drag down your day. You’ve got the skills to make Dec. 25 great for yourself and others, no matter what’s on the agenda.
The pentacles suit often relates to money and material possessions, so don’t shy away from scrolling the internet for a cute little gift or two. You’ve been working hard, so it might be the perfect day to buy yourself a treat.