Who’s ready for Virgo season? After a month in its flashy home sign of Leo, the sun will enter earthy and attentive Virgo on Aug. 22, encouraging everyone to take a break from the party-hardy vibes of brat summer to catch up on their responsibilities before fall swoops in.
Virgo is the zodiac’s mutable earth sign, so it's able to seamlessly roll with the shifts that come along with everyday life — and has a knack for bringing order to the chaos. Virgo is ruled by the logistical planet Mercury, so Virgo season is almost always a good time to zoom into the little details of your plans and be more analytical in your approach. After the explosion of drama, creative expression, and passion that made up Leo season, Virgo season brings a much-needed sense of grounding that can help you make sense of everything that’s gone down over the past weeks, both personally and on a more collective level.
That Virgoan sense of grounding will be especially appreciated this year, as there are some powerful planetary alignments on the horizon during Virgo season 2024. Firstly, Mercury retrograde will be raging through Aug. 28, so brace yourself for the communication drama that this transit is known for. But this backspin doesn’t even come close to competing with the intensity of eclipse season, which kicks off on Sept. 17. The final week of Virgo season plunges everyone into a bi-annual eclipse portal, ushering in rapid-fire changes and lots of deep revelations.
From August 22 through September 22, the meticulous and orderly vibes of Virgo season are available for everyone to tap into. But if your birth chart has a lot of significant Virgo placements — specifically in your sun, moon, rising, or Venus signs — then you’re in for an even more exciting ride. Here’s what Virgos can look forward to during Virgo season, during the sun’s annual jaunt through their sign.
Plans Picking Up Steam
Mercury retrograde ends on Aug. 28, which will feel like a weight lifting off of everyone’s shoulders — but it’ll be especially relieving to Virgos, who are ruled by this fleet-footed planet. At this point in Virgo season, you’ll find that your plans and projects start picking up steam again, and communication should flow more easily. Use what you’ve learned over the past few weeks and apply it to your current goals.
The brain fog really starts clearing come Sept. 9, which is when the freshly forward-moving Mercury zooms into your sign. With your cosmic ruler imbuing your sign with its cleverness and quick wit, you’re in for a refreshing mental reset, so turn things in your social life up a notch and jot down all your brilliant ideas.
Manifesting Power From Venus
Harmony-loving and romantic planet Venus will be gracing Virgo with its beautifying presence up through Aug. 29, so the first week of Virgo season is a great time for all the cosmic maidens to work their charms, add some sweetness to their relationships, and focus on manifesting their heart’s desires. But you’ll have to keep in mind that Venus will be making some intense connections with a whole slew of planets — including hot-headed Mars, surprise-loving Uranus, illusive Neptune, and transformational Pluto — so expect the unexpected, and prepare to dig deep into your soul to unearth your true values. No big deal, right?
Luck In Money & Work
Relationships aren’t the only thing that Virgos are glowing up during their season. On Sept. 14, luxurious Venus in your finance sector is blowing a big kiss to fortunate planet Jupiter in your career zone, bringing you a boon of good fortune, lucrative opportunities, and lucky breaks. Right now is the perfect time to attract a pay raise or promotion, or to start putting more time and resources into an exciting career change.
Venus and Jupiter are known as the “benefic” planets in traditional astrology thanks to the good vibes they tend to sprinkle through the zodiac, so enjoy the magic of this auspicious connection and use it to prompt some confidence-boosting shifts when it comes to money, work, and public image.
Leveling Up Your Relationships
This year’s Virgo season is slated to bring some potent shifts for all zodiac signs, as it’s heralding in fall’s eclipse season with a lunar eclipse in Pisces on Sept. 17. Virgos are one of the signs who will feel it most though, as the sun will be in your sign at the time of this eclipse, and it’ll be facing off with the full moon across the zodiac in your relationship sector.
While eclipses aren’t usually fun or easy, they always help to align you with your destiny and true calling. And, in this case, it’s time to take off the rose-colored glasses in your relationships so you can start making space for even more aligned partnerships. If you accept the challenges thrown your way, you’ll be rewarded with the gift of knowing yourself better than ever.