This Part Of Your Birth Chart Explains Why You Fell For Your Ex
Venus is the planet of all things love and romance.

Astrology is more than just your Sun sign — all the planets in astrology represent different parts of who you are. So while your regular zodiac sign (or Sun sign) speaks to the core of your spirit, and your Moon zodiac sign tells you about your private and emotional side, what your Venus sign represents is the way you love and value. This applies to the way you approach relationships and romance, show your love and affection, and find beauty and pleasure in life. And understanding your Venus sign in astrology is a great way to explore your romantic values and dig into your love life from a fresh cosmic perspective, so let's peep into this planet's luscious and luxurious realm.
The planet Venus is named for the goddess of love, beauty, and pleasure, so it makes sense that it rules over these same areas in astrology, too. Because Venus is about value, it governs our relationship to money, aesthetics, and what we find luxurious. But perhaps more notoriously, our Venus signs tell us about our style of loving and romancing — how we flirt, show affection, experience sensual pleasure, fall in love, derive value from relationships, and more. Using Sun sign astrology to find out the romantic compatibility between you and your crush is fun, but learning about your Venus sign is a more effective way to cut straight to the heart of love.
If you want to calculate your Venus sign, you can use a free online Venus sign calculator or you can set up a time to chat with a professional astrologer, who can give you insight into your astrology chart on the whole. For most people, you'll only need to know your birth date and year in order to find out your Venus sign — but if you happen to be born on a day when Venus switched signs (which typically takes place about once a month), then you'll also need to have your exact birth time and location handy to determine whether you're one sign or another.
Once you've equipped yourself with your Venus sign, you can set off on getting to know the lovey-dovey, luxurious, romantic, and pleasure-seeking side of yourself. Check out the qualities of each Venus sign and how it affects your love life.
If Your Venus Sign Is Aries
Venus in Aries people aren't afraid to take the lead when it comes to romance and getting what they want. Bold and impulsive, you'll chase opportunities in love with a take-charge attitude. It's easy for you to prioritize your own pleasure in love, and you tend to be more dominant in asking for what you want. Just beware of focusing too much on yourself in relationships.
If Your Venus Sign Is Taurus
Venus is Taurus' ruling planet, so this is one of its most luxurious and beautiful placements. Venus in Taurus people are highly sensual, and it's likely you enjoy showing lots of physical affection, as well as giving and receiving fancy gifts to show your love. You need a partner whose willing to indulge in life's pleasures together — and it helps if someone's willing to spoil you and splurge on delicious food and a fancy trip.
If Your Venus Sign Is Gemini
With Venus in Gemini, you're likely to show a lot of your affection and love via your ability to communicate. You love to talk for hours about your feelings, and you find beauty and romantic connection mentally and verbally. You're probably a pro at connecting emotionally with lovers via text and phone. It may be a struggle to settle down and commit, as you're endlessly curious about what other pleasures the world has to offer.
If Your Venus Sign Is Cancer
Venus in Cancer is all about feeling emotionally secure in love. Comfort, commitment, and emotional safety is prioritized when it comes to relationships, so don't expect to feel chill about a casual fling — this placement wants the real thing. Building trust and vulnerability is necessary for a Venus in Cancer to open its heart. As for date nights, you much prefer romantic nights at home cuddling or cooking over wild nights out on the town.
If Your Venus Sign Is Leo
There's no sign that enjoys putting on a show in love the way Venus in Leo does. When you fall in love, you want to show it off and celebrate it — and it's vital that your partner is down to do the same. You like to wear your passionate and fiery romantic sentiments on your sleeve. So long as your lover is willing to dote on you and make you the center of attention, you'll bring generosity and a whole lot of warmth to any love connection.
If Your Venus Sign Is Virgo
When someone's Venus is in analytical Virgo, they may find themselves trying quantify feelings when it comes to love and pleasure — but of course, such things can't always be broken down by logic. You may have a tendency to be a "fixer" in relationships or be overly nit-picky on yourself or your partner, so be sure to temper your constructive criticisms with lots of loving explanations about your desire to make your bond more beautiful. Your eloquence with words can help deepen your romantic connections.
If Your Venus Sign Is Libra
Venus rules over the sign of Libra, so it's one of the planet's favorite parts of the zodiac to reside. Venus in Libra seeks beauty and harmony in all romantic relationships, and it absolutely hates conflict — so you'll probably go to great lengths to avoid arguments and keep the peace. Just be sure to speak your needs in relationships and don't bend to someone's will just to avoid disagreements.
If Your Venus Sign Is Scorpio
Venus in Scorpio is intense, focused, and hyper-intimate — you don't let people get close easily, but once you do, you're as committed as can be. You crave depth and honesty in relationships, and won't tolerate anyone who can't deal with the hard truths in life. Be careful, though, as if this Venus sign feels threatened or betrayed in love, it won't hesitate to wield its poisonous stinger.
If Your Venus Sign Is Sagittarius
If your Venus is in Sagittarius, you have one of the most adventurous romantic sides out there. Free-spirited and open-minded, you're always looking for excitement in love and are willing to try new things and say "yes" to fun flings. Make sure you have a partner whose willing to mix things up, seek adventure and knowledge together, and spontaneously explore all of what life has to offer.
If Your Venus Sign Is Capricorn
People with Venus in Capricorn often take a more calculated approach to love. Your focus in romantic relationships is about commitment, building a foundation, and investing in a future with someone — so you're less likely to put much energy toward casual flings. Stability, longevity, and realness are what you're seeking, so be up front about what you're looking for.
If Your Venus Sign Is Aquarius
When Venus is in Aquarius, it takes on a much more mental and objective approach to love. Your romantic style can come off as more aloof and distanced, but that doesn't mean you can't commit — you're just not likely the lovey-dovey type who will get swept away in the throes of emotion. You're not afraid to explore things outside the box in love, so never say never when it comes to pushing the boundaries of your experience.
If Your Venus Sign Is Pisces
Venus in Pisces is one of the more romantic and dreamy placements in the zodiac. For you, love is a total dream, and you enjoy connecting with love in a poetic and symbolic way — through art, fantasy, and pure, unadulterated romance. Practice staying grounded and be sure to set proper boundaries in love, as it's easy for you to get carried away in your deep waves of emotion.
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