Venus Retrograde Is Here To Spring-Clean Your Love Life
Seriously, don’t get bangs.

You may have heard some chatter about the year’s first Mercury retrograde kicking off this month. Still, another planetary backspin in town could have an even greater influence on your life and relationships. Venus retrograde began on March 1, so for the next six weeks, it’s here to do some internal rewiring of your values and deep restructuring within your relationships. The Love Planet hasn’t been retrograde since 2023, so knowing what to expect from this cosmic reversal will help you take full advantage of its benefits while avoiding some of its pitfalls.
Before we get into the nitty-gritty of Venus’ current moonwalk phase, it’s good to have an overview of what this planet’s retrogrades are typically all about. Venus is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty so in astrology this planet is best known for being the cosmic governor of romance, relationships, affections, and all things beautiful and harmonious. However, Venus’ rulership extends even further, as it’s also the planet of what people value in general — which includes money, luxury, aesthetics, art, and more. So while Venus retrograde certainly impacts your love life, it can also affect your creativity, self-worth, and finances, too.
Venus shifts into reverse every year and a half, backtracking over its recent steps through the zodiac for approximately 40 days and 40 nights. During these Venusian retrogrades, all zodiac signs could use a little more love and sex advice, as relationships are likely to undergo some serious revamps. This could manifest as reevaluating your feelings, restructuring the interpersonal dynamics, or simply addressing unresolved issues brewing beneath the surface.
All Venus retrograde periods will touch on similar themes, but each has a unique flavor based on which zodiac signs it's backspinning through and how it’s interacting with other planets. Here’s everything to know about Venus retrograde 2025 so you can put a damper on the drama and make it work for you.
How Long Is This Venus Retrograde?
Venus retrograde began on March 1 at 7:36 p.m. ET and will wrap up on April 12 at 9:02 p.m. ET, meaning it’ll redirect everyone’s energies for about six weeks. Luckily, Venus won’t backspin again until Oct. 3, 2026 — so once this is out of the way, you’ll have a solid break until the next time your love life has to deal with such an intense cosmic reevaluation.
As is always the case for a planetary retrograde, this transit is bookended by a pre- and post-retrograde shadow period. While not nearly as dramatic as the backspin itself, these are still important chapters of Venus retrograde’s storyline, as they give everyone a chance to dip their toes into the backward-focused energy before it begins.
Venus’ pre-retrograde shadow started back on Jan. 28, so consider what was happening throughout the end of January and all of February as an indication of what themes or situations you might be drilling into during the next six weeks — as Venus retrograde will be retracing its steps over these very same degrees of the zodiac.
Once Venus stations direct on April 12, its post-retrograde shadow will begin, and this period lasts through May 16. Over this month, you’ll have a chance to let the retrograde’s lessons marinate in your heart, allowing you to reconnect with your Venusian instincts and start bridging any gaps that seem to have materialized during this transit. It’s time to get back in alignment.
What’s The Vibe In Love & Romance?
Venus rules over values in general, so this retrograde can revamp your sense of meaning, connection, and worth in all different ways — whether that’s in your love and sex life or elsewhere. It’s not necessarily an advisable time to take major steps in romance, but people could find themselves finally dealing with a long-simmering break-up, or perhaps even wandering into an unexpected make-up. This is also a time when your overall values, tastes, and attractions are realigning, so be real about your preferences and honor your truth as you embark on this mini-evolution. It’s best to avoid dramatic beauty treatments, expensive or luxury purchases, or alterations to your appearance now, as your aesthetic could be shifting and you may not be satisfied with the results.
During the current retrograde, Venus will moonwalk through two different zodiac signs — Aries and Pisces — meaning it’ll activate multiple houses in everyone’s birth chart and potentially impact a larger area of your life. Venus kicked off its backspin in bold and fiery Aries, where it’ll stay until March 27. With Venus retrograde in Aries, expect to do some reflection when it comes to how you prioritize your pleasures and needs, in relationships and beyond.
You may find that you’re taking off the rose-colored glasses in love and facing what’s real.
Aries is a trailblazer and a self-starter, so if you’ve been putting yourself last within romantic partnerships or friendships — or alternately, not adequately considering the needs of the other people in your life — you’ll likely feel the imbalance in a more dramatic way now, giving you a chance to make adjustments. You may also be restructuring your self-esteem during these first four weeks of the retrograde, letting go of false sources of confidence and rebuilding your self-worth based on what truly feels aligned.
On March 27, Venus makes its way back into the emotional and ethereal sign of Pisces, where it’ll spend the remainder of the retrograde. Romantic Venus typically loves to be in Pisces’ ever-idealistic waters, but during these final weeks of its moonwalk, you may find that you’re taking off the rose-colored glasses in love and facing what’s real. It’s when your empathy for others can deepen, allowing you to soften your heart and develop compassion for people you may not have felt before.
Pisces zodiac energy loves symbolism, so you may also notice your aesthetic or artistic tastes changing during this time. Are you exploring types of music, fashion, or other forms of creativity that you may not usually gravitate toward? Let yourself float freely toward whatever feels worth it, and don’t let anyone else’s expectations dictate what’s meaningful to you.
Venus Retrograde Dates To Know
On March 11, Venus will join forces with communication planet Mercury, making the whole second week of March a helpful and productive time to talk through any relationship issues that have cropped up since the backspin began. Take advantage of this conversational clarity before Mercury retrograde begins on March 15. Venus retrograde’s halfway mark arrives on March 22, when the sun joins Venus to form what’s known as a Venus cazimi. This alignment can bring an a-ha moment of the heart, allowing you to see the lessons this transit teaches you and better understand how to accept them.
Once Venus plunges back into Pisces at the end of March, it’ll immediately entangle itself with the illusive planet Neptune. Right now, it’s easy to get lost in a lavender haze or a lovesick daze, so know that not everything is as it seems. Once April begins, Venus is also touching the North Node of Destiny, nudging you toward what’s truly meant for you — and pushing you further from what’s not. Trust that the universe has your best interest at heart.
The final week of the retrograde finds Venus joining forces with responsible planet Saturn while simultaneously blowing a kiss to motivating planet Mars. This empowering alignment gives you the gusto you need to restate your boundaries, commit to your values, and get serious about what truly matters to you in love as you prepare for Venus to station direct.