Valentine's Day
27 Trivia Questions For Your Valentine’s Day Parties
For the love of knowledge.

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, you’re probably trying to figure out what festivities to get into with your loved ones. Well, they say knowledge is power and that love makes the world go round, so why not a round of Valentine’s Day trivia at your next Zoom party? Everyone knows that Valentine’s Day is the most romantic day of the year, but do you know how it truly came to be? Hint: the history is nowhere near as romantic as the actual day.
Truth is, Valentine’s Day has an interesting and obscure history. From ancient Roman fertility festivals to a billion-dollar corporate industry, the love-filled holiday has played a significant part in everyone’s lives at some point. If you plan on hosting a Zoom party for Valentine's Day this year, you may want to throw in some of these trivia questions that will really wow your guests and put them in the lovey-dovey mood for knowledge.
Valentine's Day Trivia Questions
- True or False: Candy hearts were originally medical lozenges.
- According to the Greeks, how many different types of love exist?
- Do more women prefer candy or flowers for Valentine’s Day?
- True or False: Teachers receive more Valentines than anyone else.
- What century was the very first Valentine sent in?
- Around what year did Valentine’s Day become commercialized in the United States?
- What state are the majority of red roses grown in?
- On average, how many wedding proposals happen on Valentine’s Day every year?
- What ancient Roman festival does Valentines’ Day’s roots stem from?
- According to Hallmark, how many Valentine's Day cards are exchanged every year?
- What year did Hallmark first start producing Valentine’s Day cards?
- What year was Valentine’s Day declared?
- What is the formal, Greek name for Cupid?
- Who created the first Valentine’s Day box of chocolates?
- How many Valentine’s Day conversation hearts are produced every year?
- After roses, what is the next most sought-after flower for Valentine’s Day?
- True or False: In medieval times, X’s were used as kisses.
- True or False: The very first Valentine was written from prison.
- Did Valentine’s Day cards in America first come from a woman or a man?
- About how many people buy gifts for their pets for Valentine’s Day?
- True or False: The fabric, lace, has a history tied to love.
- In what country was Saint Valentine born?
- Which popular candy company first began creating Sweethearts?
- Which Roman gods are the parents of Cupid?
- Roses are the favorite flower of which Roman goddess?
- What do yellow roses represent?
- What show tune, sung to the character “Val” in the 1937 play Babes in Arms, became a popular jazz song thanks to Chet Baker, Frank Sinatra, and Ella Fitzgerald?
Answers To Valentine's Day Trivia
- True
- 7
- Candy
- True
- 15th Century
- Mid-1800s
- California
- 220,000
- Lupercalia
- 1 billion
- 1916
- 498 A.D. by Pope Gelasius
- Eros
- Richard Cadbury
- Over 8 billion
- Iris
- True
- True
- Woman, Esther Howland
- 9 million
- True. Lace comes from the Latin word “laques,” meaning to snare or net, as in to capture someone’s heart.
- Italy
- NECCO (New England Confectionary Company)
- Venus and Mercury
- Venus
- Friendship
- “My Funny Valentine”
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