These Apps Make It Easy To Show That You’re Vaccinated
Never worry about losing that flimsy piece of paper again.

The age of vaccine checks is upon us, and it’s time to get ready for it. In early October, the city of Los Angeles announced that it would require proof of vaccination to enter all indoor establishments like bars, restaurants, malls, and gyms, as well as large outdoor gatherings like concerts. The city is not the first to require vaccines in order to, well, have fun: Since Aug. 16, New York City has required proof of vaccination for indoor dining, entertainment, and gyms. Even if your city isn’t anywhere close to following suit, there are other situations where having proof of vaccination may be required, like if your favorite breakfast spot decides to mandate it because the owner is immunocompromised, or if you’re traveling internationally. While the size of most U.S. vaccine cards is extremely inconvenient for storing in one’s wallet, vaccine passports are a simple, digital way to store all of your vaccine information. Because chances are that you’re probably going to need one of these vaccine passport apps to guarantee your admission somewhere sometime in the near future.
So, what exactly is a vaccination passport app, and how do you use one? Think of it, as the name suggests, like a passport: the app will show a digital version of your vax card upon entrance to public places that require you do so. As vaccine passport apps become more common, many developments have made these passports much easier to integrate into your day-to-day routine. With new accessibility features like the ability to add your vaccination card to your Apple Wallet and Health App, these tools are becoming an even more convenient way to move about the world. Some apps, like those that are run through your state’s health department, will verify your vaccine info; others are just a digital option for flashing a card.
You can also check if your state offers a specific app, such as New York’s Excelsior Pass, or Virginia’s QR codes. Here are four vaccine passport apps that provide an easy, secure, and contactless way to get into your favorite public places.
CLEAR was designed for users to “move faster, safer, and easier through airports, stadiums, offices, and beyond” by allowing users to verify their identity by scanning their eyes. In April, it launched a new feature called “Health Pass.” In the app, users can add their digital vaccination cards when they’re required to show proof. For $179 annually, you can get a subscription to CLEAR and all the benefits that come along with it, such as being able to bypass long airport lines. CLEAR's Health Pass and digital vaccine card feature are completely free to the user and don't require a CLEAR Plus subscription. Clear is available on the App store and Google Play store.
The Commons Project and the World Economic Forum created CommonPass specifically for travelers to ensure they meet the COVID eligibility requirements of individual countries while traveling. Users can upload their test results and vaccination records, and the app compares the information to their destination’s entry requirements. The app is also free and available for download on the App Store.
United Airlines
Because certain flights require passengers to be vaccinated, present a negative COVID test, or both, United Airlines allows you to upload your vaccination status in its app. In order to use this free application, passengers can upload their negative COVID test results or vaccine info after downloading the United app in order to ensure that they’re eligible to fly with the specific requirements based on their United flights. You can download this on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
Apple Wallet
When you update your iPhone to iOS 15.1, you will now be able to store your vaccination card to your Apple Wallet. To upload your vaccination credentials to Apple Wallet, you’ll need to receive a QR code or downloadable file from your vaccine provider. According to Apple, scanning the QR code or downloading the file will prompt a notification with the option to “Add to Wallet & Health.”
But what if you got vaccinated back in the spring, and your only proof of vaccination is your physical card? You can generate a QR code depending on what state’s vaccine passport app you use, like if you use New York state’s Excelsior Pass, or ask the pharmacy where you got jabbed to create one for you. For example, if you got vaccinated at CVS, you can log into your CVS account and view your card under the “Health Cards” tab, in the “Health Folder” dropdown. Not all providers will support this file format for verifiable vaccine info, but it never hurts to double-check with yours.
When you present your Apple Wallet vaccine card, it will show the basic information typically present on a vaccine card: your full name, type of vaccine, dates of doses, and provider. There will also be a QR code that can be scanned to verify your vaccine card. (None of this info will be visible on your Wallet screen, however, until you use FaceID or your passcode to authenticate your identity.) If you get a booster, ask your vaccine provider to generate a new record for you to reflect your booster shot, and re-add that.
Although these are some of the only applications currently on the market, they are on the rise. Many vaccine passports are currently in development and are expected to roll out soon, so keep an eye out for one that will best suit your needs, wherever you are.
This article was originally published on