I Tried This Pickle Hard Seltzer & It Might Become My New Personality Trait
Calling all pickle people, briney babes, and cornichon cuties.

I am, admittedly, a Pickle Girl™️. Last summer, the viral pickle martini became my drink of choice, and thus started my endeavors of pickling just about anything to turn it into a cocktail — green beans, blackberries, and peaches, to name a few. But nothing comes close to a true, cucumber-turned-pickle, so when I heard that seltzer company Two Robbers was teaming up with Grillo’s Pickles to create a pickle-flavored hard seltzer, I was tuned in. Now, after trying it out for myself, I can confirm it might be a game-changer for my fellow pickle lovers. Here’s everything you need to know about the unexpected collab.
For starters, I feel it’s necessary to explain that I am a bit of a, uh, divisive eater. I love a nasty little rat snack, I slurp up oysters with ease, and I enjoy stinky cheese every once in a while. If someone has called something “gross” before, I’ll probably feel inclined to eat it. Plus, I’m a savory drink lover, and when Two Robbers posted a photo of the pickle drink on their Instagram feed on May 31, about five different people immediately DMed it to me. What I’m trying to say is: I am the exact demographic for such a drink.
Where Can You Buy Pickle Hard Seltzer?
The limited-time offer will be available across the Northeast at stores like Acme, Giant, Whole Foods, Wegmans, Weis, and some independent retailers starting at $11.99. To create the viral sip, which clocks in at 5.2% ABV, each batch uses over 20 gallons of Grillo’s dill pickle brine for a tart and bubbly final product. Iconic.
What Does Pickle Hard Seltzer Taste Like?
TBH, it tastes exactly as you would imagine. If you’ve ever had a Grillo’s dill pickle, the familiar flavor of that brine really shines through. It’s not an artificial, bright green brine sort of taste, but instead, a low-key hint of vinegar, sweetness, and garlicky flavor that makes each sip more enjoyable than the last without any unwelcomed aftertaste. The seltzer is delightfully bubbly without being too fizzy making it super sessionable and the drink itself isn’t a suspiciously murky hue at all — clear with a tinge of color just like most hard seltzers. I would definitely suggest drinking the seltzer straight out of the fridge or over ice because just as you probably wouldn't want to eat a room-temperature pickle (cold ones have that extra satisfying crunch) sipping this drink cool keeps the flavor extra snappy.
What Can You Make With Pickle Hard Seltzer?
The pickle hard seltzer tastes great on its own, don’t get me wrong, but it also has a flavor that makes it a good jumping-off point for other drinks. I’ve seen TikTokers make extra-savory Bloody Marys using Old Bay vodka and pickle beer, and I’d bet swapping the beer for one of these seltzers would make a fantastic brunch bev. As a seasoned pickle martini drinker, I’d even guess making a pickle seltzer gin and tonic would also be great — with a dill spear or cornichon for garnish, of course.
TLDR; Two Robbers’ pickle hard seltzer made in collaboration with Grillo’s might just be my new personality trait. Or, at the very least, it’s destined to become an unexpected ingredient on my bar cart that I’m looking forward to experimenting with.