Your Daily Pull

Your Tarot Reading For Tuesday, March 18

Leave your rut behind.

by Carolyn Steber
Your tarot card for Tuesday, March 18, 2025 is the Ace of Swords.
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Today’s tarot card is the Ace of Swords. It represents clarity, breakthroughs, and new opportunities. It also comes with a surge of focus, a dose of honesty, and all the potential in the world for major success.

When this card pops up in a tarot reading, it suggests you’re about to have a big idea. It could wake you up in the middle of the night — quick, write that down! — or stem from weeks of brainstorming. Think creative inspiration, the solution to an ongoing problem, or an exciting vision for the future. Like a flash of lightning, it’ll all become clear in an instant.

This is the case for Ace cards in general, but especially for the Ace of Swords, which shows a dagger piercing through clouds of confusion. If you’ve been in a rut, today could be the day where you finally figure out what will make you feel better.

For some, it might feel like your brain is putting in overtime. You’ll be connecting dots, seeing the bigger picture, and solving problems with the greatest of ease. Use this extra energy to start a project you’ve been putting off, to plan something fun for the days and weeks ahead, or to dig into a new hobby.

If you don’t often feel peppy, take advantage of the energy. It’s a good day to be decisive and to lean on your logic instead of your emotions. You aren’t going to waffle or waver or shrink with doubt or fear. Instead, you’ll feel powerful and more sure of yourself than ever before.

The Ace of Swords also hints that you’ll feel compelled to drop some truth bombs in the hours ahead. It could have you reaching for your phone to share something that’s been on your mind, possibly with a friend or a partner. You might also feel the need to ask a pointed — and potentially rude — question.

Since this is a sword we’re talking about, you have to remember that its edges are sharp. Even if you have a perfectly-formed point to make, with a thesis that you’re more than ready to wield, it doesn’t mean you have to take someone down with your words. Speak your truth, but be delicate with how you do it.

For more, check out your horoscope.