Today’s tarot card is the Two of Wands. It suggests you’ll have to make a decision, take a risk, or step outside your comfort zone at some point in the next 24 hours. Brace yourself! Oh, and get excited.
When this card makes an appearance, it’s a sign that you need to stop thinking and just do something. What have you been dreaming about? It’s the perfect time to take a step in that direction.
It could be something simple. If you’ve been admiring — or enviously eyeing, let’s be real — all the people on TikTok who have cool hobbies, then why not make it happen? Go to the craft store after work and pick up some supplies. If you want to be one of the girlies who go on refreshing walks during their lunch breaks, grab your coat.
It can be tough to change up your routine or try something new, but the Two of Wands suggests you’ve had the power to do so all along. The artwork on this card shows someone looking out across a vast expanse while holding a globe in their hand, and the vibe is very “I got this.” Trust yourself to get started.
In a tarot reading, the wands represent your creativity, energy, and passion, which is why this card brings to mind hobbies, side projects, and other fun escapades. It could also hint that you’re about to get your passion back after a long bed rot phase.
If it feels like you’ve run out of juice, don’t be surprised if the gears of inspiration start turning again today. Instead of falling into your typical Tuesday routine, you might be zestier than usual and ready to leave your cocoon. Heck, you might even go out.
For some, the Two of Wands could also point to a tough choice looming on the horizon. As you ponder what to do next, think outside the box. Let your creativity guide you toward a decision.
For more, check out your daily horoscope.