Today’s one-card tarot pull is the Queen of Swords. It represents honesty, truth, independence, fairness, and a keen sense of perception. In other words? This card has total boss energy.
When the Queen of Swords pops up in a tarot reading, it suggests you’ll have a moment where you feel even more powerful than usual. Queen cards represent a solid understanding of oneself while the swords suit points to mental clarity. It means you’ll move through the next 24 hours with precision and strength of mind. Use those good vibes to your advantage.
If you’ve been noodling on a big decision, it might be the right time to make a final call. Say yes to the job offer, block the person who sucks at texting back, make the important purchase — and then trust that you made the correct choice. Even if you later feel a sense of doubt creeping in, it doesn’t mean you were wrong.
This card reminds you to focus on facts instead of letting emotions, doubt, or outside voices cloud your judgment. If you have regrets or feel yourself wavering, pull strength from the Queen of Swords. With her energy in the air, it might be easier to forget about other people’s opinions and focus on what you truly want and need.
The Queen of Swords is also related to the power of communication. If you’ve been meaning to get something off your chest, then you might find yourself actually hitting send on a few lengthy messages today.
Since this card represents fairness, you’ll want to edit and revise them in your Notes app first, just to make sure you get the wording right. This card isn’t about picking fights for the sake of it, but about saying what needs to be said in a calm, cool, and collected way. In fact, as shown by her welcoming hand, the Queen likes to hear other POVs.
This card also relates to having strong boundaries, so don’t hesitate to focus on yourself in other ways, too. If you want to set out on a solo walk around your city, do it. If you want to eat lunch alone, go for it. If you require a cute little girl’s night in, snag it. It’ll be the perfect way to reward yourself for doing hard things.
For more, check out your horoscope.