Your Daily Pull
Your Tarot Reading For Thursday, March 13
This card sounds scary, but it’s not.

Today’s tarot card is Death. Now, before you scream and throw your phone, rest assured it has nothing to do with you or anyone you know actually biting the dust. Instead, this card represents transformation, endings, and the art of letting go.
In many ways, you can view this major arcana card as a reminder to reset on a regular basis. Just like a good spring cleaning, it’s all about fresh starts and dropping old ways of doing things. If a habit, relationship, or POV seems to be holding you back or dragging you down, this is your chance to kiss it goodbye.
While change can be tough — which is often why we put it off — you might notice that you feel strangely excited about it throughout the next 24 hours. You’ll want to make big moves and shed past versions of yourself, so ride that motivational wave.
This mood will be especially potent if warmer weather is around the corner. Sunlight sets the stage to refresh not only your physical space, but your mental space too. As you do your laundry, vacuum, and clean all your windows, you might finally commit to not texting your ex anymore, or decide once and for all that you’ll stop doubting yourself.The day ends with a powerful lunar eclipse in Virgo, which only adds to the desire for change.
For some, these shifts might not be as exciting or cheery, but it doesn’t mean you should avoid them. If you aren’t finding it easy to transform, that’s OK. This card calls your attention to the need or desire to change — an important step in the right direction.
Want to get on a roll? Channel your inner scorpion. The Death card is connected to Scorpio, the powerful water sign ruled by Mars and Pluto, aka the planet of transformation. That’s why this zodiac sign is known for its ability to adapt, change, and let go. They’re good at protecting their peace, and one way they do so it by constantly allowing themselves to evolve and let go. Tear a page from the Scorpio handbook today and let the art of Death feel magical — not scary.
If you look closely, you’ll see this card also has a sunrise in the background, and it hints at the good things to come. Even if you’re having a tough time right now, you’ll likely feel a lot better real soon. Death is all about embracing change, closing chapters, and opening new doors, so go ahead and walk through.
For more, check out your horoscope.