Your Daily Pull
Your Tarot Reading For Thursday, December 26
You deserve to feel good!

Today’s tarot card is the Six of Wands, which means you should be feeling pretty pleased with yourself. It represents success, triumph, and recognition for hard work, and it likely points to everything you accomplished yesterday.
Hopefully your Christmas went off without a hitch and your Hanukkah celebration began in a beautiful way. If you traveled, toiled, or took forever wrapping gifts, you can breathe a huge sigh of relief knowing the busiest chunk of the holidays is officially done. Today’s a good day to relax and revel in the coziness of the rest of the week. If you can slip away and watch TV for a few hours or snag a gingerbread cookie to eat alone in your room, go for it.
If things didn’t go perfectly to plan, you can still pat yourself on the back for handling it all as best you could. With this card in your reading, there’s a good chance someone recognized the effort you put into helping everyone enjoy the day, even if it was just your sister who exchanged a knowing glance with you over dinner. (Congratulations to you both on not clapping back at your mom’s passive-aggressive “joke.”)
Did you stay home or feel bold enough to do your own thing this year? That deserves a round of applause, too.
In a tarot reading, the suit of wands represents your passion, creativity, and ambition, so it’s possible something will click in your head today and cause you to look at the world with fresh eyes. Instead of moping around or letting worry get the best of you, you might catch yourself with 100 tabs open on your phone as you plan out the new year and everything you want to do.
The day could also be full of fun little wins, as represented by the victorious person on the card. You’ll feel like the world is working in your favor and as if everyone is suddenly on your side. If you go shopping, you’ll find a perfect parking spot. If you go out to dinner, you’ll get the best table. If you have more holiday events to attend, they should all go smoothly.
If you get a chance, go ahead and talk yourself up, possibly while you chit-chat in the corner with your aunt, brother, and cousins. Don’t hold back as you fill them in on everything you’ve done this year, and be sure to build up everyone around you, too. When you’re catching wins, that’s the perfect time to pull others up with you.