The Best Alarm Clock Apps For Deep Sleepers

I'm not a morning person, and even worse, I can basically sleep through anything. This combination basically means that I'm always late, I always wake up in a panic, and my mornings are different categories of personal tornados. In high school, my parents would have to wake me up at least three different times, because even if I opened my eyes and acknowledged that it was morning and time to get up, sleep would take over almost instantly, and I'd be out again. In college, I'd hit snooze about five times before even considering opening my eyes. And now, as an adult in the city, I have to set at least three different alarms on my phone to even have the slightest chance of getting to work on time. If I have an important meeting, I've got to set about half a dozen alarms. No, I'm not a zombie — I'm just really bad at waking up. I sleep really deeply, and for the longest time, I couldn't find anything to make my mornings easier.
That is, until now. After cruising through the App store, I came across a bunch of alarm clock apps that are no joke. They're basically designed for people like me who need a lot of help getting up in the morning. Not just people who are groggy from falling asleep in the middle of a Netflix hole, but people who can't get out of bed no matter how peacefully or early they fell asleep. If you've struggled like I have with mornings, you'll love these apps, too. They're total game changers. As it turns out, the mornings don't have to suck!
This app does not come with a snooze button. And in order to turn off the alarm, you've got to take a picture of an object that you've set as your key. So take a picture of your toothbrush and you can't turn of the alarm until you're brushing your teeth!
Alarmy Sleep If U Can, Free, App Store
Rise Alarm Clock
People love this app that lets you wake up to the sound of nature or whatever sweet melody you prefer. There are no honking alarms or siren bells, so waking up is as delightful as you please.
Rise Alarm Clock, $1.99, App Store
Carrot Alarm Clock
This alarm makes you play different dexterity and mind games in order to turn off the sound — sometimes it will sing to you, and sometimes it will get mad at you for not waking up. Not only does it wake you up, but it gets your mind going too.
Carrot Alarm, $2.99, App Store
Barcode Alarm
A somewhat similar concept as the picture alarm, this alarm tethers your morning schedule to barcodes that you pick out. Shut off your sleep alarm with your face wash barcode. Shut off your breakfast alarm with your oatmeal barcode. Shut off your dog alarm with your dog's food barcode. Stay on time for everything!
Barcode Alarm Clock, Free, App Store
Walk Me Up
In order to get this alarm clock to stop, not only do you have to wake up, but you've go to get up and start walking. It's genius. Once you're walking around, the chances of you falling back asleep are very slim.
Walk Me Up Alarm Clock, Free, App Store
Speak To Snooze
This alarm is for the ultimate lazy morning person. You don't have to touch your phone to put it on snooze, but you do have to speak. And that in and of itself will probably wake you up.
SpeakToSnooze Alarm Clock, Free, App Store
Image: bymuratdeniz/E+/Getty Images