Sex & Relationships
How Long It Takes Taurus To Fall In Love, According To Astrologers

So you've fallen for a Taurus and now you're wondering how they're feeling about you. On one hand, they're very attentive, plan thoughtful dates, and behave consistently. You never have to worry about whether or not they'll respond to your texts. But on the other hand, you've been seeing each other for a while now and they have yet to verbalize how they feel. Dating can be confusing sometimes, but with the help of astrology, you can better understand why some people behave the way they do. If you're confused by a Taurus, knowing how long it takes Taurus to fall in love can give you insight into how they may be feeling about you and where your relationship is heading.
One of the most important things to know about Taurus is they're an Earth sign. Taurus, along with Virgo and Capricorn, tend to be practical, reliable, grounded, and very slow moving. They also value stability and security in their relationships, which takes some time to establish. Because of this, Taurus is one of the slowest zodiac signs to fall in love.
"Taurus needs a partner who they can trust," certified astrologer Kyla Derkach tells Bustle. "The motto for this sign is 'slow and steady wins the race,' and they're notorious for taking their time. They want to be courted, and they want to be sure the person is the perfect fit for their mind, body, and soul. They're slow to commit, but once they do, they're yours for life."
In order to capture a Taurus' heart, there needs to be both a strong physical attraction as well as a deeper connection. "Taurus is the most sensual sign in the zodiac since they're ruled by Venus," astrologer Elisa Robyn, PhD, tells Bustle. "They want to meet someone who has an inner and outer beauty, and want you to appreciate theirs. They love to talk about love, hear flowery words and phrases, and give and receive gifts. They tend to look for someone sweet, romantic, sensual, and intelligent."
According to Derkach, Taurus tend to do particularly well with their fellow Earth signs as they share the same values and have similar approaches to love. But they can also find a good match in a Water sign like Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, who can help them get in touch with their softer and more emotional side.
Regardless of what sign you are, getting a Taurus to fall in love with you will take some time. But there are some things you can do to keep moving things in the right direction. For instance, Derkach suggests making them feel special and appealing to their senses. Romantic dinners with good food and music are a must. Taurus is all about the finer things in life. So if you can appeal to their love of luxury, that will go over really well with them. Showing affection in physical ways like kissing, hugging, massaging, and hand holding is also important. Above all, prove to them how grounded and dependable you are. If you want to keep them in your life, be sure to show them that you're serious.
It's worth noting that Taurus won't waste their time on someone they don't see long-term potential with. Even if they aren't being open with their feelings just yet, be patient. If you still see them regularly, you're in a good place. Again, they may be slow to fall in love and express it. But once they do, they're yours for good.
Elisa Robyn, PhD, astrologer
Kyla Derkach, certified astrologer