How Taurus Season 2022 Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign
Watch out for “my way or the highway” thinking.

Between blossoming flowers and longer days, you might be extra eager to jump into all of your spring festivities — but Taurus season, which arrives on April 19, is here to teach us the value of having patience. Just like tulips and daffodils that require a ton of patience, so too do our goals and objectives. You’ve planted the seeds during the hustle and bustle of Aries season, now it’s time to stand back and let the universe work its magic — and knowing how Taurus season 2022 will affect your zodiac sign is a must.
“Taurus season will usher in a period of grounding and focus. The next four weeks will be all about incremental change, patience, and focus,” astrologer Lauren Ash tells Bustle. “With Taurus influencing both romantic communication and our finances, expect an increased focus on saving money and recommitting to the people in life who matter most — including ourselves!”
Taurus season is all about comfort and stability, which is a much-needed change of pace after the chaotic rush of Aries season. The earth sign rules the second house of values and finances, and while the urge to splurge will run wild, it’s also a good time to reflect on the things that matter most to you and attract more of what brings value to your life. As a fixed sign, the bull is a great motivator to get things done, making it an ideal time to finish up any projects left on the backburner. Taurus season is a great time to connect with the earth as well as yourself, so you want to make sure you don’t skip out on your self-care routine.
Not only will we be having an intense solar eclipse on April 30 in Taurus, bringing dramatic changes and energetic shifts to the collective, but we’ll also be facing Mercury retrograde, too. “We’ll experience our second of four Mercury retrogrades for the year from May 10 to June 12,” explains Ash. “While Mercury retrograde usually gets a bad reputation for skewing communication, many signs will find this retrograde energy bringing unexpected career and love opportunities their way.”
But don’t let that scare you — there’s plenty of cosmic blessings to go around during Taurus season. “After spending some time in dreamy and optimistic Pisces, Jupiter enters cardinal fire sign Aries on May 11, bringing an energetic surge of authority, passion, and independence your way,” explains Ash.
Keep reading for your Taurus season 2022 horoscope.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Time to get real about your finances, Aries. Have you gotten a little too comfortable with splurging lately? It’s probably a good idea to review your spending and budget where needed right now. “Last season, the focus was on your sense of self-identity. Now it’s time to buckle down and get back on your grind in terms of money and material goods,” says Ash. “While the desire to spend, spend, spend will be at an all-time high during Taurus season, it’s best to focus on building security and saving your pennies for a rainy day.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
These past few months have seen a lot of soul searching, Taurus, but now it’s time to get out of your head and focus on yourself. You may find yourself reinventing your image or creating new boundaries. Allow yourself to experiment outside of your comfort zone. “You’ve been working toward some major changes in your life the last few months and the astrology of Taurus season will have you making some big choices,” says Ash. “You’ve been trying to be a little bit of everything for everyone lately — this month is about putting yourself first again.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Get ready to tap into your spiritual side, Gemini. This season is all about exploring otherworldly matters like your subconscious and your dreams. Keep a dream journal, prioritize shadow work, and pay attention to the cues the universe is sending. “Expect some revelations around topics that have been on your mind the last few months and stay open as the universe sends downloads your way,” Ash explains. “You may receive clarity around relationships via your dreams and subconscious. This is a good month to ground, meditate, and focus on your spiritual practice.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Cancer, this month is all about pouring your love and care into the collective. How are your friendships right now? This season is showing you how you can show up better for others. “Last month marked a major shift in your career and this month that energy will shift toward your connection to society,” says Ash. “The spotlight may not be your favorite place, but there’s some potential to make new connections amongst your peers. Embrace the social butterfly life and keep your heart open to new opportunities.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
You’ve had your fun, Leo, but now it’s time to get to work. This month will be helping you shape your public image and what professional path you’re on right now, so it’s a good idea to reflect on whether you’re satisfied with the direction you’re headed. “You can expect to be very busy at work and the potential for switching careers or receiving that well deserved promotion is at an all-time high,” explains Ash. “Stay focused on producing quality work and don’t be afraid to take credit for the things you create.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Ready for a little eat, pray love, Virgo? This season is about taking a journey — literally. Don’t be afraid to get a little lost or wander off the beaten path while you explore new cultures and practices. “Relationships have been on your mind the last few months, it’s time to get to know yourself again. This month is an ideal time to travel to parts unknown on a solo trip of self discovery,” says Ash. “You’ve been making major strides in how you connect with others. Now, it’s time to reflect on all the ways you’ve grown and where you’re headed next.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Brace yourself, Libra, because this season is about catharsis. What do you need to let go in order to grow? It’s a good idea to take stock of your life, specifically your relationships, and get realistic with what your needs are. “You may find yourself needing to lean on others more than usual. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from those you hold dear and keep an eye out for the people who don’t seem to have the time for you when you need them most. Relationships are changing for you this month, some for better, some for worse.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Got love on the brain? Vulnerability may sound like a scary word, but it’s necessary for the intimacy you seek. Open your heart to others, Scorpio, as this season is focused on your relationships. “You might find yourself making some serious commitments this month. If you have a long-term partner, now might be the time to take the next step in your relationship,” explains Ash. “You’ll be feeling more romantic and open with your emotions during this time, so embrace the vulnerability and speak your mind this month.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Your burning desire for novelty is coming to a halt this season, Sagittarius. This time is about doubling down on your objectives and goals. Incorporate new habits in your daily routine to keep things spicy and entertaining. “It’s time to focus on getting back into the swing of things. Although you’re known for your fun and flirty side, people underestimate your savvy and skills,” says Ash. “This month is about aligning your daily habits with your long-term goals and shifting your focus on the future.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
You’ve been feeling sentimental last month as life was centered around your home and family. But Taurus season is all about letting loose and exploring your pleasure. Try new things or pick up forgotten hobbies and realign with your creative self. “You’ll be feeling less of the burden of responsibility this month as the energy brings a carefree note to your life. Take a break from your work, and let your inner child take the lead this month,” says Ash. “If you’ve been kicking around the idea of starting a new hobby or reconnecting with old friends, this is the ideal time to do so.”
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Taurus season is all about connecting with your roots, Aquarius. You may feel extra nostalgic as you’re reminded of your home life. It’s a good time to bond with your family or reconstruct what an ideal family should be like. “Don’t be afraid to set some boundaries with loved ones and focus on turning your home into a safe haven. Tough conversations make for stronger bonds, so be sure to speak your mind and work toward building the home life of your dreams this month,” explains Ash.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
If you’ve felt stifled lately, plan on having those communication blocks removed soon, Pisces. This season is about opening up your mind and verbal skills, making it a powerful time for your self-expression. “You’ll find it easier than ever to communicate your thoughts and dreams with others. Taurus season is bringing a sense of dreamy and grounded energy your way,” says Ash. “Don’t spread yourself too thin, however, focus this inspiration on a few projects you’re hoping to nurture this year.”
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