Is Taurus Compatible With Gemini In Relationships?
It, uh, takes some work.

Taurus and Gemini are neighboring signs that don’t always get along. Taurus is a comfort-loving homebody who loves routine, while Gemini is the extroverted social butterfly who craves variety. Taurus and Gemini are an example of a couple you’d be surprised were ever together in the first place. But regardless of how incompatible two signs are, no relationship is ever doomed to fail. It’s just going to take a lot of work and patience. Taurus and Gemini’s compatibility will give you all the insight into this earth and air sign couple and why it may be worth giving a chance.
As Stephanie Gailing, astrologer and author of The Complete Guide to Astrological Self-Care, a Taurus-Gemini relationship can only be described as “challenging.” These two move at different speeds. “Gemini likes to flit here and there, while Taurus would rather proceed at a more luxurious pace,” Gailing says. Gemini also likes moving from one thing to the next, while Taurus is all about routine and constancy. The most likely scenario? Gemini will find themselves getting bored of the slow and steady bull before a relationship ever really gets off the ground.
In general, zodiac signs that sit right next to each other in the zodiac wheel tend to be incompatible. In fact, astrologer Maisy Bristol tells Bustle, “There are bound to be some serious roadblocks here.” One mismatch is their love languages: Taurus is more sensual and tends to be stimulated by “sensory themes” like touch, taste and smell, while an air sign like Gemini needs to be stimulated mentally.
“Gemini hardly cares about physicality,” Bristol says. “Get a Gemini into an intellectual conversation — especially one with wit, humor, and a splash of debate — and they will be with you all night long. Likely scenario, Taurus will want to make things romantic, while Gemini will just want to stay friends.”
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Taurus & Gemini’s Sexual Compatibility
Sexually, these two don’t make a great match. “Taurus may get annoyed by Gemini’s cerebral orientation to all things, including sex, whereas Gemini may find Taurus not to be as curious as they are,” Gailing says. Gemini loves dirty talk, which the more traditional Taurus may not be entirely comfortable with. That said, Taurus is also very sensual and likes to take their time exploring, while Geminis tend to move on very quickly. As you can imagine, this can be a source of tension that can reduce sexual satisfaction between the two. Overall, Gemini may find Taurus to be a little boring for them, while Taurus may find Gemini to be not to their taste in bed.
Taurus & Gemini’s Emotional Compatibility
The way they process and express their emotions will be another source of frustration in the relationship. According to Gailing, Geminis are intellectual Air signs who like to analyze things, including their emotions. Earth-sign Taurus, on the other hand, likes to process their feelings slowly. It will be a challenge for them to form an emotional connection that satisfies them both. Since Geminis tend to move fast, Taurus may never feel truly secure enough to give their heart away.
Taurus & Gemini’s Communication
Geminis are smart and love learning all kinds of new things. Taurus, on the other hand, tends to get obsessed with one subject at a time. “Taurus may feel that Gemini is too superficial at times, whereas Gemini may find Taurus’ fixity on a subject to be too mundane and limited,” Gailing says. Even a simple conversation about current events may be frustrating for both partners. Taurus will want to linger on one subject, while Gemini will want to jump from one thing to the next.
On the plus side, if there are ever issues in the relationship, Taurus and Gemini will face them head-on. According to Bristol, both signs are very direct, which is a good thing when you’re trying to problem solve.
However, Gemini tends to stay away from conversation that feel “heavy.” If they feel like a simple argument about flaking out on one dinner date is turning into a big conversation about the status of the relationship, Gemini may check out. Taurus, on the other hand, is a stubborn bull who doesn’t like to admit when they’re wrong. Although Gemini has no problem giving in and being more flexible — they are a mutable sign, after all — they can only take so much.
Taurus & Gemini’s Friendship Compatibility
When it comes to friendship, Taurus and Gemini can be friendly but they won’t be buying matching BFF bracelets anytime soon. “They're able to tolerate each other,” Bristol says. “Taurus is extremely steadfast and determined, but they can also have a quirky sense of humor which Gemini will appreciate.”
One major issue that might keep coming up in their relationship is the lack of consistency. Taurus is a fixed earth sign who values stability, while Gemini is a mutable air sign who goes with the flow. “Gemini has a million thoughts a minute and can hardly stay on track with which friend they promised to see that week,” Bristol says. If Gemini can’t stick to plans, Taurus will take themselves off Gemini’s list of friends they need to keep up with.
Potential Problems In A Taurus-Gemini Relationship
Overall, the biggest problem area in the relationship is a lack of trust. As Alice Sparkly Kat, astrologer and author of Postcolonial Astrology, tells Bustle, Taurus is fixed earth, while Gemini is mutable air. “I think that a lot of Geminis can be a little scary for Taurus,” they say. “With earth and air elements, earth tends to be more disturbed by air than vice versa. Taurus might see Gemini as talking a lot of hot air, and Gemini might see Taurus as being kind of a stick in the mud.” Unless Gemini commits to being more stable for their partner, Taurus will find it hard to trust them. On the other hand, Gemini won’t appreciate Taurus’ criticism and lack of faith in them.
Another big issue between Taurus and Gemini is the way they argue. If they disagree on something, there’s a good chance these two will fight about it. While fighting can be healthy in a relationship, Gemini is the sign of duality and has a bit of a reputation for being mischievous.
“Gemini may find disagreements fun and exciting, as it's an opportunity to think creatively or from different perspectives,” Bristol says. “They may keep pushing or asking ‘Devil's advocate’ kind of questions and Taurus may get fed up and feel unrecognized.”
Are Taurus & Gemini A Good Match?
At the end of the day, these two make a highly incompatible pair. However, that doesn’t mean that this relationship isn’t worth it. In fact, this relationship can be a learning experience for both. “Taurus can teach Gemini to connect to their body, their senses, and the natural world, while Gemini can teach Taurus to be more flexible and have a bit more spring in their step,” Gailing says. “That said, this is a Sun sign match that has (way) more than its fair share of challenges.”
Stephanie Gailing, astrologer and author of The Complete Guide to Astrological Self-Care
Alice Sparkly Kat, astrologer and author of Postcolonial Astrology
Maisy Bristol, astrologer and tarot teacher
This article was originally published on