Your Bank Account This Week, According To A Tarot Reader
There’s so much to look forward to.

Happy autumn equinox! A new season has arrived, which means it’s a fabulous time to turn over a new leaf in money and career matters. Perhaps this means pursuing a new goal, implementing better spending habits, or simply changing your mindset. Whatever way you choose to harness this energy shift, trust that it’ll be for the best — because this week’s money tarot reading promises positivity and excitement.
I pulled a few tarot cards to help guide you in the week ahead when it comes to your financial and professional life, so read on for the full scoop on the vibes in store.
Card 1: What do you need to know about your finances this week?
Weather conditions have to align just right to create the beauty and magic of a rainbow — like the one admired by the joyful family on the Ten Of Cups card. Similarly, the stars will be perfectly aligned in your financial life this week too, and you should feel a profound sense of satisfaction, gratitude, and contentment with where things stand. Things are falling into place just the right way, so allow yourself to celebrate. This card is about emotional fulfillment more than anything else, so right now, it’s not just about money — it’s about seeing the big picture and finding meaning in your endeavors, financial and beyond.
Because the Ten Of Cups symbolizes the happiness derived from harmonious familial connections, this is also a great week to splurge on a special treat for your family (or chosen family). Pick up the ingredients you need to cook a loved one a homemade dinner or send someone you care about a surprise gift from their wish list. Being generous with the people you hold dear will feel especially good right now.
Card 2: How can you feel less anxious about money?
What if you believed with your whole heart that everything would work out? Would your day-to-day money woes be a little bit less stressful if you somehow knew your future self would be financially secure and comfortable? The Ten Of Pentacles is all about enjoying the long-term results of your hard work and good fiscal choices — and it’s a reminder that there’s no reason to believe in anything less than your future success. This card depicts an older man looking over his property, pets, and the younger generations of his family, feeling pride in all he’s built and provided. When it shows up in a reading, it’s a sign that your hard work is going to pay dividends, too.
Money anxiety is very real, but instead of assuming the worst about small setbacks and stresses, try to look at the big picture and trust that things will be OK. Start doing small things to set yourself up for long-term abundance. There’s no harm in believing that the chips will fall in your favor.
Card 3: What will impact your career this week?
Change can happen quickly, and right now, things are picking up in your career life in a big way — so get ready to hop into that wind tunnel and take advantage of the momentum. The Eight Of Wands is all about taking swift action and putting things into motion, so if you need to act on a sudden opportunity that arises, don’t drag your feet! There may be a lot of information flying your way and a wide variety of paths presenting themselves to you all at once, but it’s important to stay on your toes and be ready to strike while the iron is hot. Be confident in your decisions and go where the energy feels like it’s flowing.
The fast-paced forward movement that this card symbolizes checks out astrologically too, as eclipse season is officially underway — and these cosmic periods are known for bringing about rapid-fire changes and speeding up inevitable events. While the shake-ups happening now may have been hard to foresee, this isn’t the time to get in your head about it. Shift yourself into high gear and use this energy to propel yourself toward your goals.
Nina Kahn is Bustle’s resident astrologer and tarot reader.