
Your Bank Account This Week, According To A Tarot Reader

Let go of fear.

by Nina Kahn

Scorpio season starts on Tuesday, inspiring you to dig beneath the surface of your life and get real about dealing with the skeletons in your closet throughout the coming month. This might mean facing some hard truths about your financial situation, career path, or a general sense of satisfaction in your work — and according to the cards in this week’s money tarot reading, this deep journey of self-honesty starts now.

Straying outside your comfort zone in your professional or fiscal life may sound difficult, but ultimately, staying in a bad or unfulfilling situation is even harder. I pulled a few cards to help guide you through this week’s energies as you navigate all things work- and money-related.

Card 1: What do you need to know about your finances this week?

You may be weighing some different options in money this week, but the Two Of Wands wants you to step back and broaden your perspective a bit before you make your choice. Consider what you want in the long term while making financial choices, and remember that you probably have more options than your comfort zone might lead you to believe. Many things are possible right now, so don’t limit yourself to only what feels safe or familiar.

The person depicted on this card is holding a globe while overlooking a lush landscape in front of him, and this imagery symbolizes the fact that you too have the whole world at your fingertips, whether you realize it or not. Don’t sell yourself short by making money moves strictly out of fear or from a scarcity mindset. There are many different roads ahead of you now that could lead to more financial freedom, but you may need to step out of your comfort zone to follow them. Think big before you make your choice.

Card 2: How can you feel less anxious about money?

If you’ve faced challenges with money lately, you’re certainly not alone. When cash is tight and life is expensive, it’s almost impossible to avoid stressing about your financial responsibilities. But the tarot brings some good news this week, as the Six Of Swords is all about beginning the process of healing after suffering some hardships. This card depicts two downtrodden people wrapped in blankets in a boat, being rowed away from choppy waters toward more serene-looking horizons. And just like the people on the card, you too are moving away from a period of difficulty.

Your anxieties may not have disappeared entirely, and you may be still reeling from some recent financial setbacks. This card typically signifies the very beginning stages of healing, when you’re only just beginning to see the clouds part. But trust that you’re indeed moving away from the heart of the storm and getting to a place of more safety and security. Perhaps this means your income will get a boost or you’ll find out about a job opportunity that could change your situation. And remember, if someone offers to help get you out of a hole — whether with cash, advice, or support — don’t be afraid to accept some assistance.

Card 3: What will impact your career this week?

Is something about your work leaving you feeling burnt out and unfulfilled right now? When the Eight Of Cups shows up, it usually means that you’re just about ready to walk away from something — so you may be reaching the end of your rope when it comes to a professional project or even your current job. Making the executive decision to step away and leave something behind is never easy, but you’ll know in your heart whether or not it’s worth it to stay. If it’s draining you, it may be time to call it quits, or at least begin the process of finding something new.

This card can also indicate that you need to open your eyes to things that simply aren’t working anymore, especially if you’ve been drowning yourself trying to make it work. Perhaps an investment is failing to pan out the way you’d planned or a gig you’ve been trying to pull off isn’t aligning with your goals any longer. If this is the case, don’t fall victim to the sunk-cost fallacy. Prioritize your well-being, happiness, and financial security. There’s no reason to waste more time pouring energy into a professional endeavor that’s making you miserable or not serving you the way it should.

Nina Kahn is Bustle’s resident astrologer and tarot reader.