
Your Bank Account This Week, According To A Tarot Reader

Accept your losses.

by Nina Kahn

When it comes to your cash this week, don’t leave any stone unturned. Logistical planet Mercury just entered deep-diving Scorpio, while Thursday’s full moon is exposing secrets, which will create tension. Make money moves with stealth and don’t act impulsively, as you may need to navigate some touchy situations and finally say goodbye to something that isn’t working out.

This week’s money tarot reading reminds you that while all things must eventually end, you shouldn’t fear what’s being lost — because it’s inevitably paving the way for something new, and perhaps even more lucrative. Read on for advice to approach matters of work and finances this week.

Card 1: What do you need to know about your finances this week?

The TLDR of the Ten Of Swords is simple: Accept your losses. Something in your professional or financial life may be ending this week, or perhaps it already has — whether that’s an income source or an investment plan you've been working hard on. Unfortunately, there’s no bringing back what’s already over, so don’t trick yourself into feeding a dead horse. What’s important now is to come to terms with whatever disappointments have transpired. Don’t sink more money, time, or resources into this fruitless endeavor. Instead, this card reminds you to start directing your financial focus elsewhere.

Remember, when one door closes, another one will inevitably open. The Ten Of Swords is like the nail in the coffin you’ve needed to finally close a chapter so you can start writing the next one. It’s OK to be bummed about something that didn’t pan out, but trust that better opportunities are en route.

Card 2: How can you feel less anxious about money?

If you’re stressed out about something, sometimes letting go of it is the best way to free yourself from its grip on you. Of course, saying goodbye is easier said than done — but if you’ve been dealing with money anxiety, then embracing change might very well be your best solution. The Death card shows up when something in your life is in a state of total transformation. And when it comes to finances, this could be a good thing.

Is there something that’s been financially burdening you that you should pull out of? Have you considered pursuing a more lucrative career path but put off making the switch due to fear? Now may be the time to plunge into the great unknown and make changes. Even if your fiscal situation is keeping you up at night, leaving your current comfort zone behind and trying something new always brings a risk. But just because you don’t know what lies beyond your circumstances now doesn’t mean it’s scary. You have to lay things to rest to find out.

Card 3: What will impact your career this week?

The first two cards in this week’s reading indicate major transformations that require you to let things go and begin a potentially daunting quest for something new. But with what’s impacting your career this week, you can rest a little easier — as the rumbles from these shake-ups aren’t likely to throw your professional life off-course. The Four Of Pentacles is all about financial stability, so it’s a good sign that you can rely on your current work situation. It’s probably strong enough to weather whatever shifts are taking place around your financial responsibilities, especially if you go out of your way to play by the book and not rock the boat.

This card is also associated with saving money, so it could be a reminder of how important it is to squirrel away some funds to tap into during tumultuous times. Try to pick up some extra hours or consider growth opportunities within your current job that can help provide you with more financial security in the future.

Nina Kahn is Bustle’s resident astrologer and tarot reader.