
Your Bank Account This Week, According To A Tarot Reader

When one door closes...

by Nina Kahn
A Tarot Reading About Money: Week Of March 10 – March 16, 2025

Happy Thanksgiving! As this week begins, so does Mercury retrograde — which means that logistical errors, miscommunications, delayed work projects, and minor money mishaps could be a lot more prevalent from now through Dec. 15. While finalizing decisions or otherwise making big moves isn’t always advisable during these retrogrades, this week’s money tarot reading reminds you that sometimes you have to walk away from things, even if the timing isn’t ideal.

All three of this week’s tarot cards tell a powerful story about closing doors and ending chapters, but fortunately, these conclusions are inevitably paving the way for new beginnings. Astrology promises the same, as this week wraps up with an optimistic new moon on Nov. 30 PT / Dec. 1 ET, giving you a lunar boost of motivation and inspiration, and reminding you to reach for the stars.

Letting go isn’t easy, but there’s a lot to be grateful for. Here are the cards I pulled to guide you through the week in your career and finances.

Card 1: What do you need to know about your finances this week?

Finances have probably been tough lately, but based on the presence of the Six Of Swords, you’re currently en route to much greener pastures. This card depicts two forlorn-looking people huddled together in a boat as they’re rowed away from choppy waters toward a more peaceful environment. It symbolizes a journey toward healing, safety, and security after a period of hardship — and that’s exactly where you’re headed this week when it comes to your cash flow.

You may feel bogged down by a recent expense or discouraged about how a fiscal endeavor panned out but don’t spend too much time dwelling on what’s already been lost. You’re moving further and further away from the heart of whatever financial storm you’ve been in, and whether you realize it or not, you’re already on your way to a more favorable situation. Transitions are hard and adjusting to a new set of circumstances comes with challenges — but rest easy, because much more abundant times lie ahead.

Card 2: How can you feel less anxious about money?

What financial situations are you facing that seem to be causing you nothing but grief? Because this week, it may be time to walk away from them. The Eight Of Cups usually shows up when you’ve officially invested enough time, energy, or effort into something leaving you unsatisfied — and you’re finally accepting that you don’t want to pursue things any further. Taking an L and giving up on something may not feel ideal, but you’ll likely experience relief once you take the plunge and clear some cash-related stressors from your plate.

Is there an investment you’re tied up in that seems to be draining your income instead of generating more? Have you been sticking around at a job even though it doesn’t pay well enough? Is there an expensive habit you’ve been indulging in knowing you can’t afford it? Leaving things behind and seeking something new can be disruptive, but doing so will ultimately relieve some anxiety around money. Decide when enough is enough.

Card 3: What will impact your career this week?

Through the middle of this week, the moon will be in Scorpio — the zodiac sign associated with the Death card. And while this comfort-seeking luminary doesn’t feel very at home in these dark and volatile waters, Scorpio’s intensity can encourage you to face life’s hard truths head-on. With the Death card present, having this cosmic energy on your side is helpful, as this iconic member of the tarot tends to come around when important chapters are closing and it’s time to push forward into the great unknown. Professionally, some major shifts may be in store.

The Death card can feel ominous but don’t take it literally. It’s simply about life’s inevitable cycles of transformation — the powerful endings that give way to massive rebirths. In your career this week, you may find that a door is closing but trust that the universe has a grander plan. This could manifest as losing a gig or resigning from a position, major shifts amongst your colleagues or the structure of your workplace, or even a sudden change of direction on a project you’ve been working on. Change is uncomfortable, but it’s a good thing, and the Death card promises just as many new beginnings as it does endings.

Nina Kahn is Bustle’s resident astrologer and tarot reader.