The week begins with value-oriented planet Venus entering practical and down-to-business Capricorn, making everyone more conscious about where they invest their precious time, energy, and cash. Spending frivolously is out, long-term financial planning is in. Friday’s full moon in luxury-loving Taurus could bring major surprises related to money and material resources. Expect the unexpected and stay grounded.
This week’s work and money tarot reading brings reminders to slow down, check in with your higher self, and trust the universe’s magic. Some full moon boons might even be headed your way, so give these miracles time to materialize.
I pulled a few tarot cards to help you in the realms of career and finances throughout the week ahead.
Card 1: What do you need to know about your finances this week?
It might feel difficult to commit to anything wholeheartedly in your finances this week, and with the Four Of Cups present, know that it’s OK to put off making any final decisions. The person on this card sits pensively under a tree, contemplating the three cups that sit before him — and meanwhile, an additional fourth cup has appeared out of thin air next to him, too. This symbolizes the importance of giving your options time to simmer instead of immediately seizing whatever opportunity comes first.
Whether you’re considering making an investment or debating whether to take on a new position offered to you, waiting it out until you have more information is the right choice. Because you never know, there may be an unexpected and more favorable alternative to your current options that you don’t even know exists yet — and you won’t know it’s there unless you give yourself some time to process.
Card 2: How can you feel less anxious about money?
If you’re feeling stressed about your financial situation, the Ace Of Pentacles arrives with a refreshing burst of hope. When this card appears, it usually signifies that a new business idea, proposal, or opportunity to boost your income is coming your way. The aces of the tarot always represent new beginnings that seemingly appear out of thin air, and the pentacles are the suit specifically related to money, wealth, and material resources. So even if you don’t feel like you have any viable prospects brewing at the moment, trust that something new is indeed headed in your direction soon.
Once these ideas or offers materialize, you’ll likely feel a renewed sense of invigoration and inspiration — use that to take action on these opportunities and embark on a new and lucrative journey.
Card 3: What will impact your career this week?
It’s always important to employ logic and pragmatism in your decision-making at work. But with the powerful and witchy energy of the High Priestess gracing this week’s reading, your intuition and spiritual sensibilities will be just as pertinent to your success. This card is all about tapping into the mystical magic that lies within you, so right now, you’re going to want to trust your gut — whether that’s concerning the small day-to-day happenings at your job or major new professional opportunities that you’re considering moving forward on.
Listen to your higher self when navigating your career this week. Even if something checks all the ideal boxes on paper, you should ensure it’s also sitting well within your heart. If something doesn’t feel right, honor that sense of discomfort, and explore why your instincts might be warning you away from this particular gig, project, or client.
Nina Kahn is Bustle’s resident astrologer and tarot reader.